
Watch Full Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker at Dailymotion english subtitle Online Free




Fantasy story=While the First Order continues to ravage the galaxy, Rey finalizes her training as a Jedi. But danger suddenly rises from the ashes as the evil Emperor Palpatine mysteriously returns from the dead. While working with Finn and Poe Dameron to fulfill a new mission, Rey will not only face Kylo Ren once more, but she will also finally discover the truth about her parents as well as a deadly secret that could determine her future and the fate of the ultimate final showdown that is to come release year=2019 2 H 22 m directors=J.J. Abrams Country=USA.

Watch full star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker 2019. Watch full star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker html. Watch full star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker design. Watch full star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker free. I could see her as a female clone for Anakin, with her immense power and skills already realized.

Watch full star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalker the rise of skywalker

Watch full star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker wallpaper. What if Rey actually IS Palpatine? I still don't think I'd go see it...

Dark things to the Force bad editing does. In fact I think everyone's gripe with this movie comes one way or another from the awkward jumps and lack of explanation for what we see from one scene jump to another. A disjointed viewing experience that makes it look like incomplete and badly started vignettes where you miss the first few seconds asking, wait! How did we get here? What's this? Where did that come from? and then you give up trying to figure it out so you don't miss what's going on with the script running at amok speed. The major problem with this 2-hour 12-minute (plus end titles) movie is that it could not possibly be told in less than 2 hours 45 minutes.
So. what about the story? At this point, 42 years and nine films later, we just wanted to find out who Rey is and go home to get even older, Force willing. I don't want to write a review with spoilers, so all I can tell you is that we do find out who Rey is, and so does Rey, and in my opinion at least, the answer is very, very satisfying and takes the prize for a worthy multi-dimensional resolution of the eternal fight with the dark side, all this long time ago in that galaxy far, far away. Well done, writers! Now, go beat-up the editors and the Executives who wanted a short movie for ticket maximization.
OK, maybe some of the staff we saw was a bit over the top, even for Star Wars, maybe a few too many battle cruisers in that big fleet and, not giving anything away, I want to say I may watch it again just to make sure I didn't really see lots of people running around on the outside of a space ship without space suits or oxygen. br> Carrie's archival footage worked really well. And the old trio we came to love did save the franchise. Even the new characters were redeemed.
It was a good story that started out by making you wonder "what the. but it righted itself and delivered. JJ had a very deep hole to climb out of after The Last Jedi and he did, just barely.
I'd love to see a full reversal of Kylo being redeemed and Rey going full dark side. That'd be a fun twist.
Rey: ”people keep saying that they know me... ”.

Ok this is gona be my first vanity fair magazine I m to get haha🤔😁. Love how you edited it to make it seem like LUKE is giving back REY the saber. instead of throwing it away. Fantastic editing. Truly captures the entire story throughout the whole saga with great detail.

Watch Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019) Full Movie Online In Reddit For Free When it's discovered that the evil Emperor Palpatine did not die at the hands of Darth Vader, the rebels must race against the clock to find out his whereabouts. Finn and Poe lead the Resistance to put a stop to the First Order's plans to form a new Empire, while Rey anticipates her inevitable confrontation with Kylo Ren. Initial release: December 16, 2019 (Hollywood) Director: J. J. Abrams Budget: 275 million USD Box office: 1. 031 billion Screenplay: J. Abrams, Chris Terrio.



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Watch... [2018] h3>. Ghost 1:02 nice touch, along with the Falcon being put back together the right way. I died for absolutely nothing. Jesus christ, thats a lotta likes DAMAGE. Earrape meme. I would be furious too, if all I learned from Master Luke was how to drink titti milk and tickle hands. Watch full star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker php.


Somebody cloned the Emperor. It's going to be Wizard

Anyone else love how the music is Leias theme. Epic. (Ongoing discussion I've been having with my Sister - my text regular, hers italics. in numbered order - discussion is 1st paragraph my opening, 2nd her response, 3rd my follow up. Please add your thoughts. START MESSAGE I cant believe Im saying this. I wasnt a huge fan of Ep. VII... And that makes me sad. Why. Repetition of themes: I really wanted to see something new, something different, something that required a little more thought. Instead we got “Death Star III: This time we built it into a planet. ” I mean, cmon, there was even a “trench run” shot ala Ep. IV. It felt like a cop-out. And the scenes in the control room at the Resistance base... Death Star I anyone? Hoth? … “the weapon will be online in 30 seconds…”... ohh Cmon. There were reused ideas from the original trilogy, however if you are going to hate every movie that reuses ideas, then you are going to hate every movie ever. The themes were reused, but to appease the people who complained that they prequels weren't enough like the original trilogy. And they were taken verbatim from the OT, the idea was reused, but with a new spin (i. e the Starkiller weapon could destroy multiple systems at once, and required a sun to power it. I was just really miffed that they recycled to that degree – like, I get it – even the Thrawn trilogy and such revisited those themes; but with the entire weight of Disney behind it I really thought theyd try something different. 2) Story Arch: Such a small scale all-told in Ep. so much more could have been setup. Sure, I get it, Ep. VIII and IX are going to be more about the Jedi / growth of Kylo Ren whathaveyou... but... I'm an idiot, this is a GALAXY far far away... a whole God Damned universe! Think bigger! Star Wars has never been a story that includes details about the entire galaxy; that would be impossible to put into one movie. Arguably the same amount of the galaxy was seen covered in TFA as was in ANH. The story of Star Wars only ever follows the main characters; if you want more "whats going on in the rest of the galaxy. see Episode 1 with the senate debates. But I feel like this is a major plothole... 1, 2, 3 are all about the fall of the Old Republic and the rise of the Empire… 4, 5, 6 about the fledgling Rebellion and their victories over the same... then 7... and, nothing. No mention of the post-Empire reconstitution of galactic governance, heck was there even one mention of the “New Republic” or anything akin to it? Thats what I mean by lack of scale – it was a character story, and only a character story (and I get it, theyre setting up the next ones. 3) Villain: Kylo Ren pissed me off. One, for there being no backstory to him or why he does what he does beyond “he had a falling out with Luke Skywalker. ” Hes juvenile, and the lightsaber tantrums … Jesus it was like Ep. II and III Anakin only with more inflection in his voice. Anyone who was a fan of the expanded universe growing up – I was hoping for a more brooding, calculating evil in Ep. VII; something akin to Grand Admiral Thrawn. Also, they should have just kept his mask on… He was a petulant child. Not Palpatine / Vader quality of evil. Snot nosed kid that someone should have smacked upside the head. And the voice … really people, were over the whole “talk through a coffee filter” / Christian Bale Batman thing… Kylo Ren had the same backstory as Vader in ANH, if not more. We only knew that Vader was a pupil of Obi-Wan and turned to the dark side; no reason why he turned, or who he was before that. With Kylo, we learn that he is the son of Han and Leia, and grandson to Vader. He is untrained in the dark side and not fully turned and his internal conflict shows through he outbursts. Vader shows the same type of outburst, force choking anyone who pisses him off, but they are more in control. His mask was to hide the fact that he was/is a child, and anyone who talks through a mask will have a muffled/distorted voice. Seeing it now for a third time he is a child, I think that is very much the point they are trying to make. He has very little control over himself and seems to be less in control as the movie goes on. Something Snoke seems to pick up on as well. Id argue the “untrained” piece – he shows a great deal more ability at force manipulation than almost any other (movie) character to this point aside from Palpatine. Hes definitely in control when he wants to be. And my guess for the “falling out” with Luke Skywalker storyline will be something along the lines of being impatient with the pace of his training (much like Luke in ESB. Hes that prodigy that picks up everything realllly quick, and wants to keep devouring knowledge. Hed have to have been significantly trained to have decimated the Jedi Academy and beaten Skywalker (unless were to find later than it was one of those things where it all happened while Luke was away etc. I dug the mask – but really wished hed kept it on, or even better – not removed it until the conflict with Han on the bridge-thing (which, btw – who the hell puts a bridge over nothingness and doesnt have handrails on it. THAT to me would have been so much more impactful; to reveal “ohh my God... hes just a child…” right before he goes shish-ka-bob on daddy. My “villain” complaints in TFA will be TOTALLY absolved if the next few films develop / mature him as a baddie – then it will be perfect that we watch the child become an adult… (P. S. – have you seen / read the “Kylo is a Jedi and undercover with the Dark Side! ” fan stuff? I think its absurd, but ‘eh – I like reading that stuff. 4) Han and Chewie: God damnit, you took the galaxys most cock-sure smuggler and turned him into a slapstick sideshow... “ohh, I like this! ” Seriously, after 40+ years together Chewies never let you fire his Bowcaster, but all the sudden hell just pass it off to you like nothing else? And Hans death … just... idk; underwhelming. Han and Chewy's personalities did change, but thats to be expected after 30 years and Han changing from a smuggler to a military general. Sure they were silly and the bowcaster thing didn't necessarily make sense, but its a movie. Also Hans death may have been underwhelming for you but it has made 100s of grown men cry (or at least tear up. Could there have been more wow factor, sure, but in terms of “I am fighting with my inner demons and I feel I need to kill my dad” I think it was done well. Though I am a little confused about who the hell doesnt put railings on these I'm an idiot bridges. And back to smuggler again … this is one of my issues – theres sooooo much that happened in that time between ROTJ and TFA – and so much that appears not to have happened. With the whole “wheres the Republic? Thing. The bowcaster thing makes more sense now that Ive read some fan theory stuff – it was setup like that with Han making the whole “this thing IS powerful” comments to make it more apparent that Kylo was REALLLY hurting when he fought Finn / Rey. So, ok – sure Ill concede that a bit as a bit of foreshadowing, but still dont like it. Hans death was pivotal for me. AS soon as the scene set up with him walking out onto the bridge, Chewie watching from the side, and Ren and Finn on the balcony I started audibly saying “no no no no no” and had to literally cover my mouth... both my hands went to my head when it happened, and I too was moved (not to tears…) by his death. My complaint about the scene is just that its underwhelming, and again with the whole repeated themes thing (Maul dies, falls in pit… Mace Windu... tossed out window … Luke, falls into void at Bespin... Papatine, dooooooown the Death Star II reactor shaft. … cmon, where the hell is OSHA when they build this crap. I think its more than the need to kill his Dad … its the thing that Luke couldnt do … kill his father to complete his transformation to the Dark Side... That Anakin failed to do (not killing Obi Wan. I am laying great faith in Disney to bring back Kylo as the Badass of badasses – no other evil to this point has gone as FAR down the Dark Path as he… 5) On-screen Chemistry: In their own rights, Finn and Rey are going to be great characters; together though, I just wasnt feeling it. Sure, the acting from the original cast was a little flat – but after the crap from Ep. II and III between Anakin / Padme, youd think theyd focus on getting two people together that really had some chemistry. Given where they come from, Finn being someone who was brain washed as a child into being a Stormtrooper who then defected from the First Order, and Rey a bored girl who is stuck on a desert planet, I think their chemistry works. Neither of them really had any friends or knew how to interact with a friend. Lets take two children between 3 and 6 and cut them off from all of the comforts of a normal life or at least a family, leave them to fend for themselves for 15-20 years and see just how weird they are. The characters are great – both Rey and Finn. My complaint is their on screen chemistry – it just felt scripted and forced (not so much as the “I hate sand, it gets everywhere” or “youre going down a path I cannot follow! ” from Anakin / Padme lack of chemistry; but definitely not the playful flirting we saw with Han / Leia. 6) Lightsaber battles – Better than Ep. I, II, and III by far – Im so sick of that choreography BS. Jumps, twists and whatnot. I liked that these were more hurried, desperate duels – almost like “just go over there and whack on each other for a while. ” (Final Luke v. Vader saber duel in VI was by FAR the best. Still, Kylo should have wiped the floor with Finn at least... especially given the demonstration of his powers earlier in the film. In Kylo's duel with Finn he was significantly injured (we saw Chewy's Bowcaster create some pretty large explosions) and he was also dealing with having just murdered his father; to say he wasn't focused is an understatement. It is also reasonable to assume that all Stormtroopers were trained in hand-to-hand combat, allowing Finn to have a slight level of proficiency (keep in mind he also couldn't beat a Stormtrooper in a fight. When Kylo fights Rey, he is sill injured and unfocused, but on top of that he is now confused as to why Rey was able to grab Luke's saber and not him, causing him to be confused and even less focused. Should he have won handsomely, yes, but there are reasons why he didn't. I think killing Han was supposed to solidify Kylos transition to the dark side and when he died Kylo still feels the call to the light or at least doesnt feel as close to the dark side as he expected. This coupled with his failure to grab the saber built by his idol and the pain of his injuries I think all adds up to not being on his game. I agree with the significant injury part. I scoff at the “Stormtroopers trained in hand to hand” piece though. lightsaber battles and duels b/t Jedi / Sith are much more than just whacking on each other – explained REALLY well in the Darth Bane story (wiki link is most concise summary I could find) but basically one of the first things a Jedi does when fighting someone force attuned is throw up a defensive barrier – so mind trick and what have you dont work on them yadayada. Ren is FULL of rage, hate, anger, pain, suffering at this point … ALL things that work to power the Dark Side – he should be in Dark-Side Beast-Mode. Killing his father... I feel like thats less an internal struggle now that that parts over. I fell his resolve would be strengthened after killing Han … I get that hes confused, disoriented, weakened even... but that still doesnt explain to me why Rey, with no training whatsoever, and only having “tested” her force powers like twenty minutes earlier, is able to so effortlessly do something that Luke, after three-ish years of training, had so much trouble with in the ice cave on Hoth... She better be the white-knight of white-knights Jedi wise (I see an epic Rey v. Ren battle coming in the future. 7) Lukes Lightsaber – Alright … hold the phone... This thing was cut from Lukes hand at the end of Ep. V; and by all accounts plummeted into the depths of the gas giant Bespin. How, all of the sudden, is it some moldy basement, completely unscarred and looking bright and shiny? Dafuq? Did we just, forget that part of the story from Ep. V? It is not too far fetched that Luke's lightsaber made its way to Maz's palace. In the book "Aftermath" there is a chapter about a merchant selling Darth Vader's saber to a mysterious group of people, and we thought that thing blew up on the Deathstar. Luke didn't just fall straight down; he was sucked into one of the ports on the side of the structure. So the saber and hand could have gone into a different one. To then be salvaged sold and passed around until it made its way to Maz. I will be downloading the audiobook for Aftermath tonight … (what else am I going to do with the [I did the math] 34. 5 days I spend in my truck each year just commuting… P. – the new Serial is a topic near and dear to me – its worth a listen. I recommend the Thrawn Trilogy (by Timothy Zahn) and the X-Wing series (by Michael Stackpoole) for some awesome post-BOE Star Wars action. That will give you a better idea of the “galactic” level of plot I thought I was walking into. (Imperial governors struggling for control post-Palpatine... Grand Admirals fighting EACH OTHER Star-Destroyer to Star-Destroyer to be the new “baddie in charge. ” The New Republic struggling to constitute an intergalactic government as the infrastructure the Empire had created crumbles or is sabotaged… Back on task here – I need to hear the “story for another time” now on how Maz came to possess the saber... Im sure there will be a good backstory to it (at least, I hope. 8) The Resistance – why is it only 17-ish X-wings fighting this great battle for the universe? WETF – what happened to the varied types of fighters, mid-size, and capital ships of yore? If the answer is “well, theyre part of the New Republic now, not the Resistance. ” Then where the hell was the New Republic in all of this? Imperials destroying entire star systems and this new intergalactic govt is all “lawl, well just chill over here – you guys figure it out between yourselves. ” From my understanding, The Resistance is essentially the strike force for the Republic. The Republic is non-militant, and still trying to get its feet, so the Resistance was formed to help combat the Imperial Remnant (i. e. The First Order. Where is the Republic? They were blown to bits. Perhaps they were previously unaware of the impact this weapon could have or the time line for finishing it. Should they have maybe spread their fleet out a bit more, yes pick a few planets in different systems next time but they didnt do that. So any fleet the republic did have was destroyed along with the republic. The resistance base is a secret “need to know” base so I imagine they dont have much space and they also only bring the best and most trusted pilots into the fold. This is my point… that “strike force” is what, like 17 X-wings? And THATS all weve decided is needed to combat this new “Starkiller” threat? Where are the support ships? The capital ships? Anything eles? I work in a world of segmented intel, “need to know” and whathaveyou – something like this … all hands would be on deck. I cant believe that the “entire” Republic space presence was at the Hosnian System at the time of its demise (if it was, thats very poor galactic politics, and very poor military planning. There should be multiple fleets (just like there are 13 Grand Admirals of the Imperial Navy – and an estimated production of over 25, 000 Imperial-Class Star Destroyers prior to BOE. I cant imagine that NONE of those former Imperials defected post-Endor. Hell, in the EU, the ImpStar2 is used by both sides – becoming the main ambassadorial ship of the New Republic. There should have been multiple battle groups spread through the galaxy, if doing nothing else than waving the flag and showing a New Republic presence. (I also felt this point in the story was dealt with rather haphazardly – they spent more time building up the firing sequence than showing the destruction and impact etc... and ohh God they missed a golden opportunity... WHY... WHY wasnt Senator Jar-Jar on that platform going “ohhh! Messa see da sky fire lights! Whatsa wesa celebrating ery-budy? ” I would have DIED laughing as Jar Jar got nuked. This is really an issue of scale … the term “fleet” doesnt mean “all the ships. ” Heck, the U. Navy has SIX “fleets” right now. 9) The First Order – Umm … Nazis much? Really, they had no mission, just to “be evil! ” It wasnt to “wrest control of the galaxy back from the New Republic, ” it was “ I'm an idiot I'm an idiot up because we can. ” Damn they pissed me off – at least in the originals, you understood why the Empire acted as it did, there was reason and rationale, not just “were the bad guys, and were bad, so you shouldnt like us. ” I believe the First Order's main goal was to restore the galaxy back to the order that the Empire had (I'm not positive, but I believe I remember General Huxx ( I'm an idiot yeah, ginger's in charge of a fkn Star Destroyer. saying something along the line of that. And heres where I again think they had such a golden opportunity to try a new theme vs. “Death Star – Planet Edition. ” If thats the goal, theyre not looking to nuke the galaxy, but intimidate it back into the Imperial fold. Im sure there are still worlds and galaxies firmly under Imperial control that the Republic hasnt reached yet. There could have been such a different tack here vs. kablooieing the whole kit n caboodle. Political subterfuge, backstabbing, double agents etc. etc. ….

Watch full star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker cast. While this is not -At All- what this theory is about, I'd argue that there's a significant difference between original characters, particularly main characters, and those we gained/lost in the prequels. We had Han for over 30 years before he died and the event was demonstrable more impactful to the community then, say, Alec McGuinness's Obi-Wan dying in Act II of IV.

Watch star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker full movie. I think 3p0 is looking through his visual memories. Maybe he wont be put down but maybe something they have to do to him will erase his memory or something. So hes possibly looking back through his memories of Luke, laya, Han, obi wan, R2 etc. The part that gets me every time is, believe it or not, the script coming in saying “the saga will end, but the story will live forever”. And dont lie bc I saw your face when that part came up. Just finally realizing this story is almost over is beyond sad. Its been a part of my whole life. Im 34. I could always look forward to what would they do next in Star Wars. Even if youre part of the massive fan base that has let one movie turn you into a hater, that part should give you the feels. If not, I question if you ever really lived Star Wars anyway.

Watch full star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker remix. Watch full star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker dj. Watch full star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker imdb. Hey Charlie, love that Rey has her Jedi hood now. Really really cool. Recently, I answered a speculation request, and for discussion / reading purposes, I thought I'd share it here. Answering the question: Is there any Disney movie that refers to diamonds or crystals or the such since IX is coded Black Diamond? I want some speculation fam because they tied shit up so nice at the end that we dont have much to go on. My answer: dividing into two parts) Part 1: Project Black Diamond" the Darksaber, the First Order / Snoke's Origins, and the Involvement of Mandalore There is one Disney movie that refers to crystals - and thats Atlantis: The Lost Empire. Specifically, it deals with the discovery of an ancient kingdom (Atlantis) the last of the Atlantean culture and people…and, of course, a Princess and Heir Apparent, skilled in fighting (Kida. Namely, the key scene with the crystals happens when Kida walks into an ancient pool / cave (not unlike the one that Rey enters in TLJ) in order to “awaken” the force within. They discover the cave when studying the symbol of a star / source of power, as similar to the Jedi crest: Atlantis The Jedi Crest First, Kida is drawn to the cave by the “force”, touching the mirror-like pool (not unlike Rey) Atlantis scene GIF / Original Video (full. The Last Jedi. Rey before the cave) And then feels it around her: Atlantis scene GIF The Force Awakens - Rey Uses the Force (GIF) Also see similar symbolism here: Atlantis scene GIF The Last Jedi promo poster Rey is also depicted as having similar imagery to Kida. In early drafts of TFA, Rey was also named “Ki r a”. All of the Atlanteans have magical crystals which glow blue, like the Force; greatly slows their rate of aging; and that can power / levitate people and objects. It can also “possess” people. See here. Not unlike Kyber crystals, which power lightsabers, and are, most often times, the color blue. Similarly, the Force may have been “in” (i. e. possibly possessing) a particular character in Rogue One, Chirrut Îmwe, who says, as a mantra: I am one with the Force, and the Force is with Force is with me, and I fear nothing. It could also be possible that, in Episode 9, Rey goes in search of Kyber crystals, which are known to be particularly “Force-sensitive”. The Kyber crystals - a common color of which is blue - can also power objects (lightweapons) and also react to people, particularly Force-sensitives. According to Wookiepedia: “We know little about kyber crystals, because the Jedi Order worked to keep knowledge of them secret. But to put it simply, they focus energy and amplify its intensity. That once made them ideal for use in Jedi lightsabers; now it makes them ideal for use in laser weapons. ” Kyber crystals were Force-attuned crystals that grew rarely but throughout the galaxy, with some areas having a greater abundance than others. The crystals concentrated energy in a unique manner through the Force, resonating with it. The crystals exhibited a sort of “collective consciousness”, verging on sentience, and could non-verbally communicate with both one another and living beings. Some theorized that the permutations in the kyber lattice were comparable to emotional shifts in a sentient being. […] Crystals lacked color before they were chosen by a Jedi. Once chosen, most lightsabers became blue or green, though other shades were created in rare instances, most notably Mace Windus purple blade, the yellow blades of the Jedi Temple Guards, the black Darksaber, and Ahsoka Tanos white lightsabers. In the old canon, Kyber crystals changed colors depending on the Jedi / Force user who wielded them. Mace Windu had a purple lightsaber; Ashoka Tano had a white one; Bastila Shan had a golden / yellow one; and so on, and so forth. However, not notably, there is only one black lightsaber ever recorded to have existed - the Darksaber. It was “unlike any other lightsaber” known, and was once wielded by none other than the Sith apprentice Darth Maul. See here and here for the comic scene where Maul receives the Darksaber. “Is that a lightsaber? ” “Indeed, yes, but not like any you would know. If your Mandalorian friend was here, she could explain it to you. ” It was created, and wielded, by the first Mandalorian Jedi knight, Tarre Vizsla. In subsequent times, it would be deemed as “guided by the Force” into the hands of the “rightful ruler of Mandalore / the leader of Mandalore”. See here, here, and here for images. Hmm…doesnt he look familiar? Like, say, I Ren? Whats more, the Darksaber was specifically created by George Lucas and his creative team to be the only black lightsaber in the SW universe…so far. From one article: “When George saw that, he kind of said ‘yeah, Ive heard to those things. But theres no way it could stop a lightsaber, ” Filoni explained. “And thats where George [Lucas] created the darksaber. ” “This was an opportunity for us to kind of widen the mythology of the darksaber and kind of give an idea of how it was connected to the Jedi, ” said Henry Gilroy, co-executive producer of Rebels. “And this particular case, the ruling parties of House Viszla had used the sword for many generations to keep power. So theres a sense that people would follow a sword if they believed who was wielding it. ”' Source) Additionally, its the only canon black lightsaber, being created for (and shown in) Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Disney XDs Star Wars Rebels, where it was wielded by both Darth Maul and Resistance fighter Sabine Wren. As for “Black Diamond”? Could very well mean that the Darksaber falls into the hands of Rey…or she builds a new lightsaber…and its black in color. Also noted, even Sabine Wren herself didnt seem too keen on the Jedi stuff herself, saying: Ugh. You know this Jedi philosophy stuff doesn't work for everyone. As to how, and why, the Darksaber is connected to Ep. 9, “Project Black Diamond”? Well, the Darksaber was last seen on Mandalore. But thats not all - theres a canon connection to Mandalore in TFA. Specifically, several Mandalorian war banners decorated the entrance of Maz Kanatas castle on the planet Takodana. And what did Maz Kanata do to Rey in TFA? Give her Luke / Anakins blue lightsaber, prompting to have visions of her and Kylo Ren. You can re-watch the full scene of that here. But theres Because I think that Ben Solo / Kylo Ren was trained in the ways of / by Mandalorians when he joined Snoke and the First Order. I also think that the First Order (and Snoke) arose on the planet Mandalore, and came from the Mandalorians trying to seize power in the galaxy after the fall of the Empire. This is because the Mandalorians are, specifically, traditionally known for hating (and warring against) the Jedi, as well as trying to build an Empire of their own. Youll also note that Snoke, despite being a powerful Dark side Force wielder, doesnt use any weapons or lightsabers - which are typically the weapon-of-choice for the Jedi. Youll aslo notice that the First Order stylistic choices also appear very similar to Mandalorian fashion. Namely, Kylos outfit looks very similar to one of the murals of the Jedi-fighting “Mandalorian crusaders / knights”. In addition to Tarre Vizsla's obviously Knight-inspired design, along with those of the Mandalorians bowing to him, here is the image of a "Mandalorian Crusader" fighting against the Jedi in a Mandalorian mural. From Wookiepedia: The ancient history of the planet Mandalore was that of a warrior peopleknown for being feared mercenaries and bounty hunters. In ancient times, a series of crusades were undertaken by a group of Mandalorian warriors known as the Mandalorian crusaders, during which they came into conflict with the Jedi Order. During this period Mandalorians would become known for fighting and often defeating Jedi Knights, as murals depicting these exploits would be created and displayed in Sundari, the capital of the planet Mandalore, as well as on Mandalores moon, Concordia. […] The Mandalorians also waged war against the Old Republic. During the fall of the Republic, members of House Vizsla snuck into the Jedi Temple and liberated a weapon known as the darksaber, a unique lightsaber created by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order as a child. The planet Concord Dawn, a Mandalorian colony, was ravaged by almost one hundred wars amongst the Mandalorian people. Centuries of constant warfare and relentless campaigns of conquest ravaged Mandalore; the last great struggle between the Mandalorian warlords and the Jedi caused a cataclysmic event that devastated the once-glorious planet. […] Mandalorian armor struck fear in the hearts of many across the galaxy. The Trandoshan hunter Garnac kept a Mandalorian Neo-Crusader helmet as a trophy, while the bounty hunters Jango Fett and Boba Fett wore Mandalorian armor, keeping the memory of the Mandalorians alive well into the Galactic Civil War. Jango Fetts armor inspired those of the soldiers cloned from him, starting a design lineage that continued down to the stormtroopers of the First Order. Part 2: Rey/Ben or Key/Kylo and George Lucas's Foreshadowing in "Star Wars Rebels" I just discovered this from Star Wars: Rebels that practically confirms what happens between Rey and Kylo in the new trilogy - as well as foretells of their potential, intertwined fates. Namely, I was looking up whatever happened to Ahsoka Tano - Anakin Skywalkers apprentice - and whether or not she died by his hand when he turned into Darth Vader. Well, turns out, in Rebels, they lay the ground foundation for something that is so similar to TLJ that I an 99% sure its not coincidence. From one article: If its unlikely [Anakin / Vader] was merciful toward [Ahsoka] and spared her life purely out of caring, what then? How could [Ahsoka] fool [Anakin / Vader] into thinking she was dead? Theres a theory going around on Twitter that posits a compelling answer. In this theory, Ahsoka is somehow connected to The Daughter, a mythological figure introduced in The Clone Wars series. In the episode arc that featured The Daughter, Ahsoka, Anakin and Obi Wan experience a quasi-real vision where the Force is manifested in two beings: The Daughter, who represents the light side, and The Son, who represents the dark side. The Father completes a triumvirate, and represents neither side; rather, his job is to keep balance between his two children. Basically, Ahsoka is poisoned by The Son and becomes a servant of evil. In order to save her, The Daughter sacrifices her own life. This giving over of her life to Ahsoka, some fans think, means her spirit is intertwined with Ahsokas, which may indicate that Ahsoka is now something more than a mere mortal. Source) The Son, The Father, and the Daughter (designed by George Lucas & team) Rey and the Daughter (side-by-side comparison) In other words, if we apply the visions of Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Anakin to TLJ: Luke Skywalker is symbolic of “The Father” (Balance / The Force. in TLJ, he teaches Rey (his metaphorical "daughter" the ways of "Balance" Rey is symbolic of “The Daughter” (Light side. As Snoke says, Dark rises, and Light, to meet it" Kylo Ren / Ben Solo is symbolic of “The Son” (Dark side. he's the "prodigal son" the "Prince of Darkness" From Wookiepedia: A family of Force wielders, collectively known as the Ones, took sanctuary on the realm-world of Mortis, which some believed was where the Force itself originated from, where they lived as anchorites. The three familial beings—the Father, the Daughter, and the Son—withdrew from the temporal realm when their power threatened to disrupt the galaxy. The Father acted as the balance between the Daughter and Son, who embodied the light and dark sides of the Force, respectively. […] The Father sought to maintain balance in the Force after realizing his children could rip the very fabric of the universe apart and, together, the Ones retreated to the Wild Space world of Mortis. There, by abandoning the material world, the Father was able to control both the Son and the Daughter to keep the siblings in balance. After the Son and his family adopted the Mortis realm as their new home, few eventually remained with knowledge of their existence. While Mortis acted as both a sanctuary and a prison for the family, the realm was believed to be have been origin point of the Force itself, acting as a conduit for all things connected through it, which allowed the Father to keep watch over the balance in the Force throughout the galaxy. During this time, the Son grew tired of waiting to take his fathers place, and continued to succumb to the seduction of the dark side. When news reached the Father that the Chosen One, a prophesied Jedi legend, had been found, he made his move to bring the Chosen One to Mortis, which intrigued both the Son and the Daughter. […] The Daughter […] served as the paragon and the personification of the light side of the Force, embodying compassion, serenity and love among other attributes. […] During the Clone Wars, she and the Father took an interest in the aspiring Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker; whom they believed to be the Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force. She and the Father lured Skywalker and his companions Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padawan Ahsoka Tano to Mortis. After defeating both the Daughter and the Son in combat, Skywalker was able to convince the three of them that he was indeed the Chosen One. While the Father intended for Skywalker to replace him on Mortis, her brother The Son sought to use the Jedi to return to the galaxy. The Daughter stood by the Father and their Jedi allies in opposition to the Sons plot. Even though the Son had kidnapped Ahsoka, the Daughter refused to lay a hand against her brother. However, she still agreed to help Kenobi and Skywalker to rescue Tano. In desperation, she instead convinced Kenobi to take the Dagger of Mortis, an ancient relic that was capable of harming the Force wielders. The Daughter and her Jedi allies fought against the Son at his cathedral. When the Father intervened, the Son attempted to attack him. In a selfless act of sacrifice, the Daughter took the blow of the Dagger of Mortis. In her last moments, the Daughter used her remaining Force powers to resurrect Ahsoka from the dead. Her death destroyed the balance of the Force on Mortis and plunged the world into darkness. Despite her death, the Jedi and the Father succeeded in overcoming the Sons scheme and restoring balance to the Force on Mortis [by killing the Son, who, in turn, had killed the Father as well. But thats not all. The Son literally says to the Daughter: “My sister…you were the only one I ever truly loved. ” Among other quotes: “It is only here that I can control them. A family in balance. Day with night. Destruction, replaced by creation. ” (the Father to Anakin) “My children and I can manipulate the Force like no other. ” (the Father, of his "children" “What are you? ” / “Your fate! ” (Anakin Skywalker and the Son, indicating that Anakins fate is to be Dark / Darth Vader) “I always knew there was good in you. ” (the Father to the Son) “Do not hate him, father. It is his nature. ” (the Daughter about the Son) Of the planet Mortis, which is, canonically, “the birthplace of the Force”, from Obi-Wan Kenobi and Force-ghost Qui-Gon Jinn: “I dont understand. What is this place? ” [said Obi-Wan. “Unlike any other. A conduit through which the entire Force of the universe flows. ” [said Qui-Gon. From Wookiepedia: Mortis was an ethereal realm within the Force which was whispered over in legends and stories passed down through the millennia by Jedi, Sith, and the average spacer alike. It was believed to have existed outside any star system, and potentially the galaxy or even the universe. Mortis was a realm of the Force which contained dreamlike environments; it could not be mapped, and even its landmarks appeared in different locations frequently. […] Entrance to the realm was never voluntary, as Mortis drew in its visitors inexplicably. It manifested itself in different ways; Mortis was reported as having appeared as a giant, metal rhombohedron floating in space; other times individuals walked through a door or landed there without discernible reason. Time within Mortis had no meaning; what seemed like days or weeks within the realm, passed within seconds without. Sound familiar? Its because Rey is seemingly “transported” through the Mirror in the cave in TLJ in a similar, if not identical fashion. From one article: “The first thing I talked about with Rian [Johnson] was the mirror cave. […] What are Reys conflicts? This image reflects a little bit of the Kylo/Rey Force connections, as well as the duality of light and dark, good and evil. Some of these were pulled from what I knew from The Force Awakens, but also little glints of information from Rian and mirroring the cave in Empire”. James Clyne, VFX Art Editor, The Last Jedi “Well, the idea that this natural place reflected, ” Johnson said in the podcast. “The idea that if theres a Jedi Temple up top, the light, it has to be balanced by a place of great darkness. Were drawing a very obvious connection to Lukes training and to Dagobah here, obviously, ” he added, referencing The Empire Strikes Back. Luke, who also ventured into darkness at the beginning of his formal training, needed to face his curiosity and self-doubt. Rey sought answers. In response, The Last Jedi gave her a vision mimicking Harry Potter‘s magical Mirror of Erised (that shows whatever someone most desires, like their parents) and the fake-out psychology of Empire Strikes Back. Continuing, Johnson said that Rey “descends down into there and has to see, just like Luke did in the cave, her greatest fear. And her greatest fear is [that] in the search for identity, she has nobody but herself to rely on. ”' Mortis even has its own “Well of the Dark Side”, which we also see (literally) in TLJ. While the Well on Mortis is full of lava and fire, the one on Ach-To is full of water. From Wookiepedia: “Deep within this planet exists a place where all that is dark is channeled…” 'The Well of the Dark Side was a deep, magma-filled chasm located in the realm of Mortis where the dark side of the Force was channeled. Deep within the realm of Mortis existed the Well of the Dark Side, a deep, magma-filled chasm where the dark side of the Force was channeled. Directly below the well leading to the planets surface sat an island, into which was carved an ancient symbol representing the dark side. [It was in the Well that the Son lured Anakin to the Dark side, by showing him visions of his greatest fears come to life - that he would fail to save Padme, and become Darth Vader. …] Some of the concept design for the Well of the Dark Side was taken from early Ralph McQuarrie designs for subterranean levels of the Imperial Palace, where Luke Skywalker was going to face the Emperor deep within Coruscant in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. According to effects supervisor Joel Aron, the Wells magma used some of the same elements as the Mustafar scenes in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Not to mention the Temple on Mortis also contains this symbol, representing Balance between Dark and Light: Balance symbol on the Temple of Mortis Balance symbol on Ach-To And. The Son, the Daughter, the Father, and the story of the Mortis trilogy were all created by George Lucas, the original creator of Star Wars. It was meant [by Lucas] to be symbolic / metaphorical of “what was to come in Anakins future”, and how Anakins actions would affect the Force as a whole. As for what happened to Ahsoka Tano? It could be that she either, indeed, died - becoming a Force ghost - or, perhaps, became the Guardian of Mortis / Balance, as devised by artist Brian Snook, and remained on Mortis to escape Darth Vader. Brian Snook: Ahsoka the Gray - Concept Art In addition to my original writing above, I wanted to add something, given I've seen a lot of criticism as the ST as something that "George Lucas wouldn't approve of" Lucas already has written the same themes seen in the ST, especially with the Rey/Ben or Rey/Kylo "Foe [Yay] Romance Subtext" many times. Namely, he's incorporated it into the other films and works he's overseen, or worked on - including Strange Magic, Labyrinth, and even the original Star Wars sequel trilogy, which focused on the story of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. You can read more here. This was taken from my original Tumblr speculation here. You can go there to directly view the images / GIFs relevant.

Rey flips over first tie fighter Damn that was all they got? rey gets hit by 100 more. Watch star wars episode ix - the rise of skywalker full movie online. Anyone interested in a 1 Hour Emotional & Cinematic Mix of the amazing theme section. No one's ever really gone. Palpatine: cackles. Watch Full Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of skywalker. Anakin: “What have I done?” Also Anakin: Slaughters younglings. Watch full star wars 3a episode ix- the rise of skywalker karaoke. The Saga Will End. So someone will finally show Kathleen Kennedy the EXIT door.

I was bored during the entire movie besides when it was Stan Lee's cameo. Ill never forget that feeling walking back to my car after seeing The Last Jedi. So confused and disappointed.

Watch full star wars: episode ix - the rise of skywalkerrise of skywalker. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts log in sign up 2 2 Posted by 27 days ago comment 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! u/omjarkaur Karma 1 Cake day January 13, 2020 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.

Here's 4, 000 words on how I feel about the new "Star Wars" movie. Read it or don't, I don't care. It's the only thing that has gotten me through the day. Film Review: Jar Jar Abrams “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” (Episode IX) I will not spoil anything from the film that hasnt been seen in the trailers. “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” finally gives us an answer to an-age old question: What would a Star Wars movie look like if it was produced on an extremely rushed under two-year deadline during which a director and crew under intense time constraints and with nothing to go on likely went on an intense cocaine bender every single day of the production? As an amateur film critic I like to write reviews when I see a bad movie to deter you from wasting your time and money. When I see a good movie, I want you to know the time and money are well worth it. In “The Rise of Skywalker” the “Star Wars” franchise has finally jumped the shark. It is a baffling and incoherent mess of a film that features a ridiculous plot, poor story choices, rapid pacing that is absurdly difficult to follow, and all manner of misguided attempts at fan service that do nothing but almost totally destroy the legacy of the beloved (if admittedly inconsistent) eight films that preceded it. The plot can basically be summarized as follows: the film is essentially a rushed 2. 5 hour hunt for multiple random macguffins that eventually lead to the location of Emperor Palpatine. Along the way, the heroes are randomly assisted by extremely conveniently positioned allies with extremely convenient items and/or abilities that speed up the plot. The world building is awful, the narrative incomprehensible, and the utter lack of respect for narrative decisions featured both in Rian Johnsons “The Last Jedi” and George Lucass original six-film saga are readily apparent. Dialogue isnt memorable, characters arent given any room to breathe, new characters are needlessly introduced and completely forgettable, and the emotional stakes are so low throughout the film that for the first time ever, at the end of a Star Wars movie I walked away without being able to remember a single new musical theme or motif that John Williams had composed for the film. I could probably go on and on with more adjectives to describe what makes the movie terrible, but looking at the film objectively as a work of cinema, not through the eyes of the “Star Wars” super-fan that I admittedly am, “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” is just a plain bad movie, Im trying to think of the positives but theyre so few and far between it truly is a struggle. The visuals are impressive enough and I suppose all the actors do an admirable job with the garbage they were handed and, ya thats pretty much it. I laughed maybe only once or twice at a good C-3PO line. I never cheered. I never cried. I never clapped. I felt nothing. Theres no heart. Theres no humor. Theres nothing. During the 9th and supposedly final film in my favorite saga of all time, I felt nothing. That really says it all. The film jumps the shark so many times that I really cant say I enjoyed any of it. I had to re-read the plot on wikipedia less than 24 hours after viewing the film to remember exactly what I saw happen, I dont really care about any of the characters as they are presented in this film, and because the characters and story are the heart and soul of every “Star Wars” film, even if the action featured within was the best the franchise has ever seen Id have still hated it. It isnt by the way, not even close. There are some of you who will see this movie and enjoy it. Thats ok. Good for you. If you do, then chances are you also enjoy mindless action garbage like the “Transformers” movies. Thats ok too. I prefer actual plots, character development and decent exposition but to each their own I suppose. Is it the worst movie ever made? No far from it. But considering the legacy of this iconic franchise and the excellent quality of the two films that directly preceded it, I can firmly say that without any doubt this is the most disappointing film Ive ever sat through. And on a personal note, because of how much “Star Wars” means to me, “The Rise of Skywalker” represents the single greatest disappointment of my life. In all honesty, second only to the one time someone truly broke my heart, watching “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” was the single worst thing that has ever happened to me in my life. On the bright side, I guess that means Ive had it pretty good overall. If youre a hardcore “Star Wars” fan you really should see it at least once to form your own opinion but for casual fans and anyone else, please avoid this disgusting train wreck of a cash grab. I love you George Lucas. Youre a genius. Im terribly sorry for anything bad I ever said about the prequels. They are beautifully shot, full of imagination and world-building, and despite whatever issues I had with midi-chlorians, the dialogue, Jar Jar Binks, or Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portmans performances, they managed to tell a cohesive story and by the end very satisfyingly set up the events of the original trilogy. Now in the end, I realize that as much as I enjoyed “The Force Awakens” and “The Last Jedi”, “The Rise of Skywalker” disappoints on such an unimaginable level I would gladly trade the preceding two excellent films for a pair of average efforts in exchange for a halfway decent concluding installment. At the very worst, I feel confident your version of the sequel trilogy would have at least given me that. 1. 5/5 Stars “The Force Awakens” - 4. 5/5 Stars “The Last Jedi” - 5/5 Stars Epilogue: There are many people to blame for this catastrophe, including director and screenwriter Jar Jar Abrams, a man who only four years ago released an absolutely fantastic “Star Wars” movie; Actor Ian McDiarmid for even agreeing to reprise the role of Emperor Palpatine; Lucasfilm head Kathleen Kennedy who despite her legendary track record as a producer for Steven Spielbergs films should be immediately fired at this point; Rian Johnson, director of Episode VIII (an excellent film to which I awarded 5/5 stars) who arguably left the sagas narrative with absolutely nothing to go on; the vocal 50% of the “Star Wars” fan base that piled unwarranted hatred onto “The Last Jedi” that sent Lucasfilm into an unnecessary course-correction panic. But most of all, I blame Disney CEO Robert Iger and Studio Chief Alan Horn for electing to produce an entire sequel trilogy not based on George Lucass own story treatments, and along with the rest of Disneys executives, greedily and disgustingly putting out each of these films out as fast as possible without a cohesive plan, two years apart from one another despite a clear need for a much more diligent pre-production process on “The Force Awakens” and ESPECIALLY on “The Rise of Skywalker” all in the name of getting a faster return on their initial 4. 05 billion dollar investment in Lucasfilm. Who dont I blame? Mark Hamill, a man who truly loves “Star Wars”, the fans, George Lucas and his character Luke Skywalker, who signed onto this sequel trilogy as an actor and was powerless to influence it in any positive way; and George Lucas, who earned a well-deserved retirement and payday in 2012 when who sold his company to Disney and someone who was also powerless to influence these recent films in any positive way. Abrams has said he approached Lucas for additional advice before writing “The Rise of Skywalker”. Im positive it will never be revealed publicly but Im 99% sure that meeting lasted all of 60 seconds and consisted of the following: JJ - “So George were going to bring back the Emperor…” George - “Get the hell out of my office”. Its ironic. I remember an old friend of mine expressing his concerns in 2012 that under Disney, “Star Wars” would be ruined because it would be made too kid-friendly. If anything, “The Rise of Skywalker” contains arguably the most frightening and grotesque imagery the franchise has yet put to film. And yet “Star Wars” has still been ruined under Disney anyway due to a serious of poor corporate-influenced creative decisions. “Star Wars” is without question, the single biggest fictional property created in all of Western media over the past 50 years, especially here in the United States. It is without question, the single greatest and most important fantasy mythology of our time. The only people besides George Lucas who have ever created fictional worlds as universally-adored and long-enduring in world culture as “Star Wars” are limited to a small group including J. R. Tolkien, Homer, and possibly J. K. Rowling. My point is that “Star Wars” means a helluva a lot to many, many people. And one of those people is me. At this point in my life I have easily consumed hundreds upon hundreds (if not thousands) of films, television programs, video games, comic books, novels, history books and stand-up comedy specials in my lifetime. You can call me a nerd but I prefer to think of myself as an aspiring story-teller that loves nothing more in the world than sharing or being told a good story. And without question my absolute favorite story of all time is George Lucass story of the “Star Wars”. If counted as a whole, Lucas original six film “Star Wars” saga is my favorite film of all time. If counting each episode individually then “Return of the Jedi” is my second favorite film of all time. Im not sure what exactly is in the secret sauce that makes me love “Star Wars” so much. John Williams music, the sheer imagination of the various planets, the “used-future” aesthetic that gives the world such a believable feeling of age and history, or the laser-swords. Its probably a combination of all of the above combined with memorable, lovable, iconic characters that have been immortalized in our popular culture. I distinctly remember being shocked on a cool fall day back in 2012 when the news broke that Lucas has sold “Star Wars” to Disney and that Episode VII would be produced, two things I never in my wildest dreams thought would ever come to fruition. It was a happy day. I was only year removed from high school at the time and had no idea where I would be in life after college. I didnt really care where I would end up either romantically or career-wise in the coming years to be honest. The only thing I knew from that day forward, and pretty much the only thing that has kept me motivated to get up out of bed every morning, go to class and later on go to work for these past several years has been a will to live to see “Star Wars: Episode VII” and by extension episodes VIII and IX. Its really the only thing Ive cared about for the last several years. Flash forward three years later and I remember sitting in a theater on a magical December evening surrounded by many old school friends of mine for the premiere of “The Force Awakens”. It had received great reviews, at the time it wasnt explicitly known that Georges own plot had been discarded, the original cast (including, most shockingly, Harrison Ford) had returned, and most importantly it would begin to answer the decades old question; “What happened after “Return of the Jedi? ”. ” The second the “Star Wars” title appeared on screen along with the iconic fanfare, I along with the rest of the theater burst into uncontrollable applause and I even shed a tear or two. It was a moment that I never thought would come and if Im being honest, it was and still is easily the single happiest moment of my life. Was “The Force Awakens” a perfect movie? No, but it was way better than the first two prequel films and Harrison Ford was great in it. To this day am I still upset that it was pretty much a rehash of “A New Hope”? A little, but not as upset as I was that Luke, Leia and Han didnt take more of a center stage role in the picture. I still enjoyed the film immensely, would have given it a 4. 5/5 and figured Id get plenty of screen-time with Luke and Leia in the sequels, ideally, together. I ended up seeing it in theaters nine times including making a trip to one of less than two dozen theaters in the United States screening the film on 70mm IMAX film in Tampa, FL. “Rogue One” came and went and I immensely enjoyed it all five times I saw it in theaters. “Solo” not as much but I enjoyed it enough to see it three times in theaters. In 2017 “The Last Jedi” came out and honest to god I think on its own, it is the second best “Star Wars” movie after “The Empire Strikes Back”. Now as a fan, would I have preferred they didnt present Luke Skywalker as a depressed failure before killing him off? Absolutely. Do I wish Reys parents were revealed as either Luke or Leia instead of “nobody”? Of course. But between the prequel trilogy and “Force Awakens” I realized no one is ever going to make a “Star Wars” movie that gives every fan exactly what they want. As long as the characters and story are interesting, well-constructed and cohesively thought out Im still eager to see any “Star Wars” film. In total, I went to see “Last Jedi” in theaters 14 times (thanks MoviePass. including making a trip to one of less than a dozen theaters in the United States screening the film on 70mm IMAX film in Norwalk, CT. Now here we are in 2019. The reviews for “The Rise of Skywalker” have been poor, not as bad as “The Phantom Menace” but not even as good as “Attack of the Clones”. I approached the film with optimism however as I still enjoy episodes I and II immensely to this day despite their many flaws. I went in with an open-mind. Within 30 minutes I could tell this was a rushed and hastily edited film that clearly would have benefitted from at LEAST another year of production time. At the halfway point, I felt the film had jumped the shark so completely that I wasnt even angry for the remainder of the film, just shocked and baffled at the creative decisions made by the same man who crafted “Force Awakens”. By the ending, something occurred that I found so unbelievable I literally couldnt hold back any more and I burst out laughing along with a half-dozen other fans scattered throughout the sold-out theater. Its a complete and total train-wreck. In addition the my prior complaints about the craftsmanship of the film in general, as a “Star Wars” fan, the following creative decisions baffled me so completely Im simply at a loss for words. Honest to god, they could have brought back an elderly Jar Jar Binks for this film, gave him the lead, and I might not have hated it this much. Specifically: Reys parentage is re-addressed in a ridiculously absurd way. -There is zero explanation given for the Emperors survival after being tossed down the reactor shaft of the Death Star II and subsequently exploding into a mist of dark side energy, all aboard a gigantic moon-sized space station that explodes a few minutes later in what would easily be the real-world equivalent of multiple megaton nuclear explosions. Its a survival that without a very good explanation completely undercuts and undermines Vaders sacrifice and redemption at the end of “Return of the Jedi”. -Various new (over-powered) force powers are introduced up to the last minute with little explanation and their very existence retroactively creates DOZENS of plot holes across the entire 9-film saga. -Lastly, multiple major characters from past films (and two or three needlessly introduced in this one) appear simply to appear briefly and pretty much serve no purpose, Lando Calrissian, Maz Kanata, Rose Tico, General Hux and most glaringly Leia. Yes Carrie Fisher appears through cut archive footage but in actuality they had way too little material to work with and the character would have been better served being recast, created from CGI, or killed-off offscreen. Listen I was (and still am) utterly heartbroken by the untimely passing of Carrie Fisher. Of all the characters in the Star Wars Galaxy, my two favorites have and always will be Obi-Wan Kenobi and Leia, Carries Leia. But unfortunately she died. And as much as I loved that actress, the character of Leia is too important to not properly send off into the sunset with a complete story arc. Im sorry but she simply should have been either recast, or awkwardly re-created in CGI with her daughter Billie Lourd providing the performance. No neither option would have been great, but for the purpose of serving the story and character proper justice it should have been done. Whats the point of my rant? Therapy and a need to vent I suppose, maybe even convince some people to avoid paying money to see the film. Does this ruin “Star Wars” for me? Absolutely not. Episodes I-VI still constitute my favorite story of all time. And since George Lucas didnt create them, mentally I will be able to place Disneys sequel trilogy in the same category as fan-fiction and the various non-canon sequel novels and media released in the 90s and 2000s. As far as Im concerned, the story of the core “Star Wars” saga ended with “Return of the Jedi”. To quote Lucass one-time thoughts on a sequel trilogy, The Star Wars story is really the tragedy of Darth Vader. That is the story. Once Vader dies, he doesn't come back to life, the Emperor doesn't get cloned…”. As I mentioned before I went to see all of the recent Disney Star Wars movies in theaters over and over again and I have purchased each film so far on DVD and Blu-Ray. I will never pay to watch “The Rise of Skywalker” ever again. I will never waste my time or money with any future “Star Wars” films or television shows produced by Disney unless the reviews are absolutely glowing and the projects are personally and publicly endorsed by George Lucas. As a huge theme park fanatic, I cant believe Im saying this but I have lost almost all interest in visiting Walt Disney Worlds sequel-trilogy focused “Star Wars” land and wont go out of my way to visit it any time soon. Ive spent thousands of dollars on “Star Wars” merchandise and collectors items over the years including dozens of action figures from the sequel trilogy and framed 27x40 theatrical posters for episodes I-VIII. I will never buy or frame the poster for episode IX. I bought a single action figure for “The Rise of Skywalker” and the soundtrack cd. I will never spend another penny on any merchandise based on the sequel trilogy and have lost a ton of enthusiasm for buying any further “Star Wars” merchandise in general. If Im not the only fan in the world that feels this way then at the very least all of the following will cost Disney the only thing in the world they care about: money. A lot of money I would have been happy to continue giving them in perpetuity had they not completely destroyed all of my goodwill so spectacularly with this one movie. In conclusion, this is just a shame. Its a shame that a man who directed two “Star Trek” movies and one “Star Wars” movie that I loved has completely tarnished his reputation. Its a shame that a trilogy of films that started and continued on such a high note has ended so spectacularly poorly. Its a shame that by extension, this single film as the finale almost completely ruins an iconic story that has already spanned eight major motion pictures. Its a shame Disney based two major theme park lands not on the original “Star Wars” trilogy but on these sequels. Its a shame George Lucas didnt make these movies himself and his own ideas for the sequels will never see the light of day. Its a shame George Lucas is alive to witness a tarnishing of his beloved characters and legacy (imagine if Tolkien had lived to see the “Hobbit” films or Amazons upcoming “Lord of the Rings” tv series. Its a shame that for a lead they cast a girl that physically resembles Carrie Fisher and Natalie Portman, had her grow up on a desert planet both force-sensitive and an already spectacular pilot, and then decide she wasnt a child of Luke or Leia. Its a shame they retroactively ruined the ending of “Return of the Jedi” be bringing the Emperor back. Its a shame we didnt get proper force ghost cameos from a number of deceased Jedi in this trilogy. And most of all its a shame that Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill all reprised their iconic roles in this trilogy, but never together as a trio, rarely as a duo, and (aside from “Force Awakens” Han Solo) in the end barely affecting the overall plot of these films at all. Its true. All of it. Its all just a goddamn shame. So for now Im going to pretend its 2011 and the story of the Star Wars ends with “Return of the Jedi”. Ive tried to use almost 4, 000 of them today but words can never describe the hurt Im feeling right now. Its not just a movie. For many fans, myself included, who have found themselves unlucky in love, life or in careers, for better or worse “Star Wars” is all we have. Its the ultimate expression of joyful, escapism entertainment in a world that often feels like it doesnt care about us. It would have been greedy and unrealistic to have hoped for a perfect Oscar-winning end to an uneven nine-film saga. But THIS, this travesty of a film directly spits in the face of the fans and George Lucas himself and repeatedly and consistently mocks the audiences intelligence and ability to suspend disbelief. Carrie, Mark, Leia, and Luke deserved better. The fans deserved better. I deserved better. George deserved better. May the force be with you all.

Watch "Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker" Online Rollingstone Star'Wars: Episode'IX' The'Rise'of'English'Film'Live'Steaming. What if star wars writers are watching this, so they can make everything he saids wrong. Dear anyone wanting to make a trilogy. The Star Wars sequels should teach you a lesson Have a roadmap. Don't just pose questions you don't know the answer to. Know how you are going to start and how you are going finish and the trilogy wide arcs that go throughout them. Have a singular creative force behind it. They don't have to write every word and direct every movie. The Star Wars original trilogy didn't, but Lucas was always the singular force behind it. Think of it as a TV showrunner. Star Wars Rebels tells a more cohesive story over four seasons than the sequel trilogy because Dave Filoni was the creative force behind the show. If you don't do this you could get a movie which is a retelling of an old movie and full of fan service, then a movie that just thinks the fans are stupid for liking what they do, then a burning dumster fire that acts as an apology for the movie before it while also undoing important story beats from decades prior for no apparent reason.

Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi [ USA:PG-13, 2 h 16 min] Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver Director: J. J. Abrams IMDb rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 8. 1 /10 (702, 234 votes) 30 years after the defeat of Darth Vader and the Empire, Rey, a scavenger from the planet Jakku, finds a BB-8 droid that knows the whereabouts of the long lost Luke Skywalker. Rey, as well as a rogue stormtrooper and two smugglers, are thrown into the middle of a battle between the Resistance and the daunting legions of the First Order. IMDb) Critical reception: Star Wars: The Force Awakens received overwhelmingly positive reviews from critics. On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, it has a 93% approval rating based on 418 reviews, with an average rating of 8. 26/10. The website's critical consensus reads, Packed with action and populated by both familiar faces and fresh blood, The Force Awakens successfully recalls the series' former glory while injecting it with renewed energy. On Metacritic, the film has a score of 81 out of 100, based on 55 reviews, indicating "universal acclaim. Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "A" on an A+ to F scale; women, under-25s and under-18s gave it an "A. while 98% of audiences gave it either an "A" or a "B. Filmgoers polled by PostTrak gave the film an 88% definite recommend" while 96% said it met or exceeded their expectations. Wikipedia) More info at IMDb, Wikipedia, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, Netflix, Wikidata. I am a bot. Send me feedback. Data sources and other information.

I love how they dont replace another actors until the planned to kill them in the movie. 4 4 Posted by 1 month ago comment 84% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by View discussions in 1 other community no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! JAGUARS 4 LIFE u/xspik Born & raised in Jax. Jags fan for life! Karma 6, 227 Cake day November 12, 2010 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts Communities Top Posts Topics about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc 2020. All rights reserved.

This is a place for those who want to speculate on any Star Wars news, theories, or new and old leaks from the Star Wars movie franchise coming from Disney. This will be a place for you to post your wildest of theories or what you think the story is going to be. Speculate on characters as small as Baby Yoda or as important as Ol' Sheev Palps. Have fun. 5:05 honestly. mood.




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