Writers: Jacob Hamilton. Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story is a movie starring Kenny Sailors, Stephen Curry, and Kevin Durant. Jump Shot uncovers the inspiring true story of Kenny Sailors, the proclaimed developer of the modern day jump shot in basketball. actors: Dirk Nowitzki, Stephen Curry. director: Jacob Hamilton. Country: USA. Do your research bro. Any chance for Kenny vs. Spenny season 7? Even a little chance? I would love to do it, I would do 500 more episodes. It's my favourite show in the world. Call comedy central and showcase and bug the shit out of them. Also, not to be Woody Harrelson, but the more online fans I get the easier it is to convince shitty broadcasters to give us a fucking show. What about shooting it yourself and putting it up on something like YouTube? That's not what the show is. I do shit that needs cash. I can't wander around with an iPhone. It's a network series. We did the low budget when it started. Better to do something bigger better and cooler. But I hear ya. So Spenny is not the problem? No, he is a problem. But that's why the show is so good. It's a series. We need a broadcaster. Simple as that. How much more do you think spenny can handle? Maybe one more guy in his butt. But 4 cocks is a lot right now. Are you actually communist, your house is full of USSR stuff. No, it's just shit I collected when I was a kid. Fuck the commies. Right, but you did the low budget before and it worked. Are you less proud of this idea now that you don't think it's worth the same as when you started? I don't go backwards, i go forward. Have you considered funding a Season 7 using a crowd sourcing site like Kickstarter, getting the budget you need, and then publishing it online? I prefer scabbing corporate cash. I don't want to take my fans money. Fuck that. Let me milk the piggers first, and if that fails then I'll bow my head to you humble folk. And I'll suck your dick. Whats going on Kenny, I've always wanted to know this; how did Spenny react when you revealed he had been getting blowjobs from a transvestite? Did he flip out off camera or what? Happy New Years! He basically quit doing the show. I broke his brain. My bad. In the Sperm episode did you really steal that x-ray machine and radiate Spennys balls or was that just for show? And was the cause of his sickness actually the meat you fucked? What was the worst humiliation Spenny gave you? What was the worst humilation you gave Spenny? I did a lot of things in the show to mislead Spenny, this was one of them. I knew that Spenny was secretly watching some of my footage to see my tactics, even though we had a deal that he was not allowed to do that. Because I felt that would actually ruin our series. Even his crew was under strict instructions not to tell him 'there was acid in the orange juice'. The radiation machine was a plan that I used hoping he would see the footage and freak out. I think I fucked up by putting that stuff in the show. But I never radiated him. We just did so many episodes and I was editing so much shit, at the time I just thought 'oh that's cool, the audience will love that' but I should've told the audience what was going on. I did so many things that were worse than that for real. In the end I'm just happy that you're so into the series that the things that piss you off are the same things that piss me off. I'm just wondering, how's your relationship to Spencer nowadays? Are you still pals? It's getting better. I love him like my down syndrome, amputee, aborted... brother? I go to school at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. I was grocery shopping with a friend of mine when I noticed Spenny with his wife. My friend and I approached him and spoke to him for a few minutes. We took a photo with him. Afterwards, my friend pointed out that he looks as if he's been doing drugs. Well, does Spenny have a drug problem? He also looked very depressed. Well, is Spenny depressed? Yes and I apologize for both. So he actually got married? I don't know about married, but he just had a baby girl. I hope the family gets her back. I really dont know when your fucking with us or not. That's exactly where I want you. Is your relationship with Spenny accurately represented on-camera? Do you get along well off-camera? The show is real. Our relationship is real. KVS was a documentary. How aware was Spenny of the show's running joke? Did he know he was always being manipulated and played along for the humor of it, or was he actually that gullible & naive? When Matt and Trey met Spenny they knew the show was real and they put us on Comedy Central. He had no idea, but he's finally figured it out. Why does the show have writing credits? Because that's the only way we could get paid through Telefilm. In the episode where you had to see who could do more with girls, did Spenny really go that far with a Tranny or was that just for the show? Do you actually think he would allow me to fake something like that? What exactly happened with Spenny's mom on the episode where you were trying to get further with each others mothers? Let's just say I'm still scrubbing my finger. Did you use your stump finger? No, I only use that on hymens. Hey dude, do you and spenny ever hang out away from the show? If so how is it when the cameras are off? Do you guys plan on making anymore shows together? What have you been doing? Also, I loved the show KVS and laughed at your amazing antics! Keep it up! I'm only allowed to see him during visiting hours at the pedophile wing of the asylum. Does Spenny ever smile? I'm not even joking I've never seen the guy smile. Only in playgrounds. I had never heard of your show before this AMA, but the way you are answering everything gets respect. Here goes the next few hours of my day discovering your insanity. Send me the laundry bill. What's your relationship with Trey and Matt? Do you know them well? No, they let a lot of strangers sit and write South Park with them. I love those boys. I'm especially close to Matt. I can't even tell you how cool it is to be friends with those fucking guys. I will tell you one thing though that I've never ever mentioned before. The first time they met Spenny, the next day they told me 'Do not ever bring that guy out, ever again. ' True Story. What did you do for New Years Eve last night? Didn't get her name. Other then Spencer's mom, what are you working on currently? Just did a google youtube channel deal. Finally pitching more TV. Cross your fingers for the KVS movie. There's "talk" After that huge construction noise scared the shit out of everybody, how long was Spenny chained in that room before someone finally got him out? Was he just as scared/confused as you and the camera crew were? He was so happy and wouldn't shut up about what pussies we all were. Even though he probably pissed himself while we were all outside. Why don't you make a kickstarter for funding for kenny vs spenny season 7? Cuz I'm not a lesbo that wants to make some shitty webisode about why my dad doesn't love me. Also, can you tell us about the best reaction you ever got from Spenny when he went back and watched the episode and saw the kinds of sht you pulled? Violent freak-outs usually. Does any of them in particular stand out? like did he ever go right off the deep end and start destroying your guys house or something? I love that you realize how fucking crazy the guy went. That was a big part of the show for me was to show people that he was violent and I wasn't. People that are Spenny fans confuse me. Whose side are you on? A guy who's violent or a guy who's not? Thanks for saying that, you really know your shit on the series. How did the broadcasters react to the "Kennibal" episode of Triumph of the Will? Was it hard to put it past them? Kennibal: They had a fucking heart attack. Also, if you could rate Spenny's mom on a scale from 1-10; what would she be?! Spenny's Mom:. 001 - and that's just because 'it' has a vag. Any news from dr. Goldfield? He quit the show. I made some joke about him causing 911 and he freaked out and locked us out of the store. For the Christmas Episode he waved for the camera and he's got some KVS 8X10 in his window in Koreatown - Bloor West. But I fucking love him. He is weird, crazy and amazing. I was so proud when I visited Toronto for the first time and I randomly stumbled upon Dr. Goldfield's pharmacy by complete coincidence. I saw the poster in the window. Cool. Hi Kenny, what is one of your favorite quotes from KvS that you still laugh at from time to time? for example, "Baby want milk milk" makes me laugh every time i think of you saying it. That is one of my favorite lines. So proud of the millions of jokes I made. Kenny, thanks for doing the AMA, and Happy New Years! What was your favorite humiliation of Spenny on Kenny vs Spenny? And conversely, what humiliation that Spenny did to you was the worst for you? Oh, so many I loved doing to him. All of them were great for me. Tongue scraping I think was the worst. Number 1 worst humiliation was sitting on a toilet on University Ave. Can't remember the show, it just made me look at my life and think 'wtf am I doing? ' But looking back I loved how lucky we were. I have watched all the KvsS episodes, in the last couple of shows it felt just kinda scripted.. wasn´t there a part of the show planned/acted? I had to prepare all my stuff. Gay guys to rape Spenny. Make sure I had acid. Finding a capaberra. But Spenny's content was 100% real. I've said it many times. When you shoot 30-40 hours a week and you cut it into under 20 minutes, it looks so good and tight, so sure you think it looks fake, but it's fucking real. And I think that's why it got so big. People just knew it was real. Trust me I wish I was such a genius that I could have written all that. If you saw Single White Spenny, you'd know the show was real. That's why I loved that series so much, because it should prove to everyone what he is like when he acts. KVS is real. Shut up. Deal with it. To this date, what was the most defining moment in your life? Hmmm... good question. Fuck off. What were some competitions you wanted to do on Kenny Vs Spenny, but for whatever reason were never able to do? Tonnes. But the one Spenny wanted to do was 'Who could jerk off more' and 'who could fuck his mother more' but I didn't want to lose I have two questions. Are you currently working on anything new? Is there a blu-ray release of Kenny vs Spenny planned? No blu-ray and yes, I am getting back to work. I'm gonna sell a fucking show, pray to god somebody is stupid enough to give me a deal. I wish I had an interesting question to ask knowing this will be on the front page soon. But I have never seen your show. Best. Question. Ever. Have fun on r/geek. Hey Kenny, fucking love all your work. What can your fans do to make sure we see more of your ass stuff on TV? Spam/Hack/Embed Any and all of my shit to any big celebrity. i don't know if you guys realize that me having facebook fans, twitter followers and subscribing to my youtube channel gets me shows. Broadcasters need incentive. The next show I do is going to be fucking retarded. So... who really smoked more pot The crew or you and spenny? Me of course. What are you a Spenny fan? I know that you were a war photographer during the Gulf War. Could you share your favourite picture from your time there? Also as a fellow Torontonian, I have loved KVS for years. It was 1991, I actually sold a Kilo of weed to fund me going to shoot that shit. It was really fucking heavy. I don't ever wanna be anywhere near that fucking shit again. People are fucking crazy. People can show up at our house and shoot us and kill our families at any time. Mankind is fucked. Enjoy your life. Be good. Be honest. Did you ever pork Bianca? No, no I did not. :( Kenny, what's next for you? KvS is one of my favs and Triumph of the Will was fun. Trying not to get wasted every night or bone too many supermodels. Hey Kenny. You fucking rock! I was wondering what your neighbors thought of Kenny versus spenny. You guys made a LOT of noise all the time so either you had the coolest fucking neighbors or they were gone a lot. Like who seriously doesn't notice spenny shitting his pants on LSD in the back yard? They were all crack heads. we lived on Sherbourne in Toronto. It's like Main and Hastings. What is Spenny up to these days? Does he acknowledge Single White Spenny as a horrible show? He works as a portalette in an AIDS hospice. Are we going to be seeing Anything from you soon? I loved KvS, Testees and Triumph of the Will! Any chance for more? Yeah I'm on 'To Catch a Predator 5' this Sunday. Silencio vs. Maurice Del Taco, who would win in a naked knife fight? Silencio, but Maurice would be too busy masturbating. When are you coming back to the UK? When you get a Burkah law. What is this 'talk' about a KvS movie? I've turned down the movie twice because it was during the series and didn't think we were ready for it. But being a Jew if they wanna throw me millions to make the funniest fucking movie ever. Sure? Why not. Will bail Spenny out of prison and hopefully do it. Hey Kenny! I wonder whats going on with the Kenny vs Spenny house now. Is some random guy living there or does the production company own it? It's always been rented to Ryerson students in between our filming. I still hope they haven't found that bitch in the southwestern wall. Which was your least favorite of all the competitions to do? Rapper. Hi Kenny! Were there any competitions that you guys (or maybe just you) wanted to do but couldn't do because of the broadcaster's restrictions - something just too crazy for television? Yes, always. But dump your pants and those types of shows are embarrassing to me now. Was there any competition that someone won so fast you had to cut or restart it? 'Stain' was lost in the first 5 seconds. Had to change the rules on a lot of them. We were doing a TV show, we had to deliver an episode or they would sue the fuck out of us. There was a lot of pressure. Like the pressure Spencer's grandpapa put against his teeny sphincter when he was an infant. Do you have aids? I have maids. Would you rather fight 100 goose-sized Mounties or 1 Mountie-sized goose? I would like to 'goose' a mountie. Edit: Or mount a goose... I've already fucked a turkey on national television. In the episode "Who Can Kiss More Girls? " Spenny found a girl who actually liked him but he didn't believe you weren't somehow in on it. After watching the show air, did he realise you weren't messing with him? And did he ever go after that girl? No idea, i don't think he ever saw her again. What has been your least favorite challenge? What has been the worst humiliation for you personally? Check others, answered this a few times. Hated doing humiliations, they destroyed. But my favorite part of the show was when Spenny did a humiliation even though he won. Like in the 'beer' episode where I puked, so I lost... but I made him believe he lost. Are you mentally ill? Does that include being Jewish? Hey Kenny! How many times have you gotten in trouble with the law for some of the crazy shit in KvS? How did you get out of it? A lot. We got a lot of calls after shows have aired. Cops are mega fans. In fact, they drive me around like Taxi cabs. When cop cars see me they go 'Hey Kenny, where you going? " and they give me rides places. I fucking love those assholes. Are you coming back to Calgary this year? I hope not. Hey Kenny, huge fuckin fan. I'm confident that you wont be posting any pictures of Gurthanthaclops, so in that case my question would be - What competition(s) in KvS did you really want to do that never got approved/aired? Who can smoke more meth. Huge fan of KvS as well as Triumph and Testees. Just curious what does a guy have to do to get an autographed pic of ya?! Whip out your tit when you see me. I want my autographed picture. Aw. thats so nice. Is Spenny aware that "Single White Spenny" is probably the worst thing made EVER! Also what do you think of it? BTW Loved Triumph of the Will, if you cant do a 7th season on KVS Please Do more TOTW. I'm so happy people loved TOTW. It's so amazing to me that I could do something that KVS loved without Spenny. When I got the gig I literally shat my pants because I literally thought there was nothing I could do that would come close to KVS. Also super happy Spenny's show was so shitty, even though that's a horrible thing to say about a friend. But he was a real dick to me, and took me for granted. Hope he learned his lesson. If he has learned his lesson, I'd love to do more stuff, but he needed to eat shit. Cuz he really is who he is on the show, and it really is hard working with such a dick. Especially someone you've known since you were 6. Thanks for asking, nice to rant. Kenny, out of all the outfits and personas you have, which is your favorite? I love Helmet, Silencio, Del Taco, Kenny3000. But my favorite is Kenny. I really was hamming it up for you cheezers. What was the worst episode for you? I think rapper. Cow. Some of the Season 1 stuff I felt like we weren't allowed to anything. Cuz it was CBC. What ever happened to pilgoor? He was covered in rosemary and lemon juice. Thank you for gracing the world with some awesome Canadian television! Which episode was the most genuine fun to film? I think 'fart' was my all-time favorite. 'Naked' was fun too. I loved shooting the show with my pals. It was just us. So much fun. I miss it. Did you and Spencer really have a gay moment in Europe? France I think it was.. Uh, he did. Who does a fan have to actively bother to get Triumph Of The Will a second season? Xo. Dude I ate a guy. It's over. :( Can we please get a show of just Kenny 3000? Fuck yeah! One of my favorite characters ever. My brother's favorite as well. Do you still like to nug out? Nug any more. How hungover are you? My penis is hung over my couch if that's what you mean. How are your testicles today? They smell like a Mr. Sub assorted cold cut. Have you tried to give the Segway another go? Fuck you segue, I fucking hate you. Is it true Spenny went bankrupt and moved to Kingston? He also tried to plug his new show to us that only plays on a channel you have to order. needless to say I ordered it. Yeah... he's a bit of a mess. But I love him and miss him. I managed to save all my cash. When is The Dawn coming out? Every morning baby. Kenny, I am a huge fan. I missed your interview with Chris Hardwick at JFL42 and it was a very sad day for me. Any chance of you and Spenny releasing the script you did for Pitch or trying to get it made into a movie now that you might have more pull in the biz (and of course barring Spenny not hating you)? The script from Pitch is on the pitch DVD. Right now I'd like to make anything. Are you still good friends with your camera crew? Yes, super close. Hang all the time. Matt's here now. Is the Mosque you built on TOTW still up and running? Yes, the bomb didn't go off. Hey Kenny, huge fan. Thanks for doing this AMA. Just wondering if there will ever be a Triumph of the Will Season 2 or if you are working on any similar projects? And will season 1 be released on DVD anywhere outside Canada? I want to do a new show. i'm trying to. fuck the dvd, just download it like everyone else. send me the 12. 99. Hello Kenny i am a huge fan of the show. i created this reddit account purely so i could ask you this question. on the episode who can get further with the other guys mum what really happened when you put spencers mum to bed? hope im not to late 4 u 2 respond. Honestly... I stuck the tip of my finger into her snatch. just enough to get the smell on it. i made spenny sniff it. it never made it into the series because the broadcasters considered it incest. a strict no-no that never made the cut. i killed me it was the best ending EVER! I saw you were a writer on Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation. What the fuck was that? First gig spenny and i got paid for. made 6 g each. it was fun. Can Spenny be blamed for the female turtle? No, he can be blamed for little boys disappearing. Why did you eat people? Because i knew that it was the only chance anyone would get to do it. i'm kinda sorry i did, but when you get these opportunities in your life to make insane unique shit, you grab it and deal with the consequences later. You've quite the fanbase here in Iceland. Ever thought about going there and maybe do a stand up or meet people that would be interested to work with you? I love to go there. sell some herring and send me a plane ticket! How did you get away with all the shit your did in ToTW? Like you stole so much shit and robbed stores.. How could you put that on TV and not get in deep? Ya that was kinda stupid. but cops cant prove i did it after it was shot, nor does anyone complain. it's not like some koreans are going to call the cops if a suit is missing! and they will NEVER see the show. but i feel bad next time i'm in vegas i'll bring them some cash. How pissed were you after Spenny tore all of your clothes after he found out that you made the note that said he had HIV? Not very. SHITS AHOY GAYLOR!!! MORE KVS in the future??!!?!?!? Fingers crossed for a movie! How was the experience of writing for South Park? How much of Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow was yours? Please say at least the jew gold. That's basically the only thing I ever got into South Park. But hearing Cartman do my line was fucking Biblical. Was Audry your girlfriend during the the viral vid episode? Did you ever call up any of the girls after the who can bone more episode? Yes audrey was and still is my girlfriend. and, no. i wasn't really into any of the girls on the show. i get more pussy than tender viddles. Can we pretend I'm famous and have me headline at the Hoxton? Just get famous! Hey kenny, in that episode where you tricked spenny into thinking he had HIV, did you purposely let people see the house/mail address? and if so did you ever get fans ringing to say hello? No. that was an accident. we used to get people banging on the door to say hi all the time. Hey Kenny, I have one question. What's your next show, that i can look in germany? I miss your dirty jokes. I miss my grandparents, thanks for killing them. Who Are you? I am the way the truth and the light. Hey Kenny I was just curious if you've ever thought about trying and do something with the dickhouse guys who do jackass and the like? They do some out there stuff. I like their stuff but not really into the stunt shit. Is it legal to masturbate, yes or no? Yes and it's also legal to send me the footage. Where should I send it and do you really want me, a guy to send you my footage? Send it to spenny. it'll be my birthday present to him. When Spenny was on top of a cliff threatening to jump off a cliff on the biggest balls challenge did you actually expect him to do it? Were you genuinely worried or did you assume he was full of shit and threw him a bone? Threw him the bone 100% i hated that so much what a baby. i had to keep feeding him shit like that now and then so he'd keep doing the show. so annoying, hate that about him. Kenny, I am a huge fan! I don't know why but I never get tired of KvS. I've watched every episode so many times! What is your favourite KvS episode you guys have done to date? My top two are Meat and Drunk. Never gets old. Fart. meat and drunk are in top 10. Kenny! This will probably get buried but i have to ask.. Is Spencer really that naive/stupid? There were moments when i thought the show was scripted, because of how naive he was. Miss your show! Take care Ya i also made him look pretty bad in the edits... Huge fan of KvS and TotW here! My question is did the placenta you ate actually taste good enough to eat again? Also, what is your favorite aushwitz/hitler joke? I can't stop laughing when I remember: "my grandfather died in auschwitz, he fell out of the guard tower shooting jews" Placenta was gross, tasted like Kid liver kidney. Let me tell you why I make holocaust jokes. It's cuz everybody hates the jews and I figure if I'm self-deprecating maybe they'll think twice about insulting the original Master Race. Spenny appeared on Top Chef Canada as a guest judge. Given the fact that you are the one who actually can cook and appreciate good food, any chance we could expect to see you on Top Chef? I'm so pissed about this. I bumped into the producers and told them I wanted to be a judge on the show. I guess they retardedly called Spenny (not being fans) and he took my spot. They told me I can be on the 2nd season. I said "fuck you, the only way I'd go after Spenny would be to stab Jesus. " If you could bang any celebrity, who would it be? Marylin Monroe. Got a shovel? Who came up with the opening cinematic and the audio track for the intro to KvS? Me thats why i'm in all the shots and spenny's face gets covered in each panel. i even screwed him in that! he wasnt around much for post production. also the music was modeled from "procreation of the wicked" celtic frost. Kenny, I just watched the "Who Can Eat the Most Meat? " episode of Kenny vs Spenny for the 100th time, and then watched the pork episode of "Triumph of the Will". Which one of those is the real Kenny? P. S Every character in any video game I make is named Pilgore now. Both, but 1 is older and wiser. not sure which 1 though. Hey there sailor boy! What happened to Dr. Goldfield and how did you meet him? He's still around. and one of the office pa's in season 1 knew him and thought he'd be good for the show. For your law breaking episode, what research did you do beforehand to find all the laws to break? Searched 'what laws to break' - but i knew that there was old stupid laws from the 1800's that i could fuck with. ps. that's matt stone's favourite show! Come to Australia some time? There are tonnes of fans here. Would be fuuun. Dying to go! Who made the intro of the KVS episodes? Me. Are you by any chance related to terence mckenna? Yes. Has there ever been a competition that the producers wouldn't allow? I'm the producer! Did you ever get attacked on the streets of Toronto when you were doing Maurice Del Taco? I mean it's obviously rude to gays. Haha. Actually, we have a large fan base in the gay community, including Spencer. Did you plan on throwing the homeless cum in spennys face or was that a spur of the moment thing? Spur of the moment. i cant believe i did it. felt so bad afterwards. and it's not homeless cum, it's probably from cab drivers and anonymous gay johns. Saw you were still anwsering questions, why did spennys mother never want to be seen? Would you want to be seen if you gave birth to spenny? Hi Kenny! My big brother is a huge fan of you and KvsS, is there any chance in the world you could write something for him on a piece of paper and hold it next to your glorious face? :DD I understand if that's too much to ask!! Ok! what happened to yarp yarp? xD. He's cryogenically frozen in area 51. How was your "Brown sugar"? Swwweeettt. Wheres your club? On the corner of google ave and search lane.
There is no God. Nothing to discuss there. Take Home The Award Raptors 💯💯🇨🇦🏀🦖🦖 🦖Dr James Naismith is smiling down on the Victors ! Congratulations to the World Champs. Basketball was invented in Canada so for you Americans put that in your pipe and smoke it. Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story Watch full article.
I'm joining this club. Goal this week: set up kitchen with fresh veggies, make soups. Friday: water fast. I'm just going to look at this as a week at a time project. Because life is overwhelming enough right now. Not informitive. Basketball was invented in Canada. Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story Watch full article on foot. It was invented in canada. Where is lebron. He was Canadian but... it was made in America.
Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story watch full episodes. Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story Watch full movie. Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story Watch full review. It was invented by a canadian but it evolved in america. It was by a canadian but it was made in america. Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story Watch full. It was invented in Canada soooo. You mean canada. Great man. A true role model to the students and athletes who have had the honor to meet him. I know my student-athletes enjoyed meeting him last year. Intro: WW2 was the deadliest war in all of history... It grew out of ancient and unordinary feelings. Anger, vigilance, the lust for power, and the thirst for revenge of the victors of WW1, but it ended because of courage, perseverance, selflessness, and the hunger for freedom, in which all of it was linked with unimaginable chaos and brutality, in order to change the course of human events and history. WW2 showed the best and the worst of humankind in a generation. In the slaughter that coveted the world, over 70 million people died, so many and in so many different places that the real number of casualties will never be determined. However, half of those that perished, in the killings that engulfed the world, were civilians. Innocent men, women, and children were obliterated by the horrors of war. More than 85 million men and women served in uniform, but without the sacrifice of those men and women in uniform, the wars outcome would've been completely different. The following stories are from those that were in service during WW2, and how that cataclysmic event changed their lives My name is Charles Vellema. I was born and raised in Brandon, Wisconsin, and my parents are Pete and Tina Vellema. I have two younger sisters Ellis and Florence. I went to Westbrick School, in the town of Springvale. Then I went to Willowcreek, in the town of Waupun. I graduated from eighth grade and then worked on the farm I lived in. ‘Till I was about eighteen worked with my dad. And then, I think I went to the shoe factory, Ideal Shoe Factory in Waupun. Worked for board at home and worked in the shoe factory from 8:00 (a. m. ) till 4:00 (p. ), whatever…, 13 cents an hour. No, $13 a week was paid. I soon had to register for the draft, in ‘38 I guess it was, and then I was drafted on July 29th. There were three, four boys from Waupun that went from Waupun to Milwaukee. Their names are Glen Towne and Ben Loomans and Ken Kohlman. I went by bus to Milwaukee and there we were examined and had to pass a physical. Kenny Kohlman, who was probably the one that wanted to go in the service the most, he didn’t pass the physical, so he went back home to Waupun and the rest of us went. I was drafted from 1941 to 1945. I was in the Infantry, so I went to infantry training. I think, maybe, Ben Loomans became a policeman when he came home because I think he was in the military police during service. As for Glen Towne he must have been a truck driver, because he was a truck driver back in civilian life. I had basic training in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. I remember hearing about Pearl Harbor when I was in the barracks. It was on Sunday about 4 o’clock in the afternoon, North Carolina time. We had an old radio. The barracks were new, but they were built like a barn. They had like a beam that ran from end to end about six, eight inches wide, and we had an old radio. The plastic cover was all off of it, so we just had the tubes. Mostly everybody was gone on Sunday. I remember being in there, and then news came over that Pearl Harbor had been attacked, so that kind of changed the picture because the next morning all these older men, about thirty-four years older and up that were in service, they had their bags all packed, and they were going to go home Monday morning, so when they were released for home, that was quite a commotion. I guess eventually they didn’t leave, but I don’t know, they were released after maybe a year or so. After Pearl Harbor we stayed at Fort Bragg and kept training in Fort Bragg. By that time we were put in divisions, Regular Army divisions, and Fort Bragg was the 9th Infantry Division. That’s where I was in, the 47th Infantry Regiment, I guess they called it. Then the 9th Division was the whole thing and included all the rifle and artillery and tank platoons. We had lots of training because first we thought we’re gonna be in half-tracks. This was before Pearl Harbor. Then they switched us from that to Landing craft. So we had the big rope ladders on the fifty-foot board wall. We had to climb up and down that ‘till you could do it pretty good; up and down, up and down. ‘Cause that is the same thing that we had when we got off the ship. So we did lots of training. We went through Virginia, the beaches off Virginia, in what is the Chesapeake Bay. Soon after I went to Camp Grant, Illinois. From there I went to Camp Wheeler in Macon, Georgia. This was in the end of July so you can imagine the temperature in Macon, Georgia, at that time. I think we all lost a few pounds in a hurry. We sweat day and night. There we had a lot of close order drill and we finally got to use the rifles and all that. For weapons training we had the ‘03 first bolt action Springfield, like they used in World War I, but we would later receive the. 45, and the M-1 Garand. We were mostly a rifle platoon, for we had three rifle platoons in the company total, and then the last company had a larger platoon, so they had a few machine guns,. 50 caliber machine guns to be exact and they also had some mortars. In a rifle platoon we just had rifles and revolvers. That’s when the Garand came out, in which I think it is the most amazing rifle ever designed by man. We had lots and lots of target practice. All day long we had a box of ammunition, so you could just shoot all day long at targets. We really learned how to use a rifle. On November of ‘42, we landed in North Africa. It took us twenty-one days and what they did, with the whole army, was give them all the equipment that we needed—all the supplies that we needed, for I don’t know how many days, all the ammunition, all the food was on, I think it was some two hundred ships, that was in this flotilla. And this was right in the thick of the German Submarine Warfare that was going on. And we could go all day long, for we’d be going until the sun would set; get up the next morning, then all day long we’d go with the sun behind us. They just did that, they said we zigzagged for twenty-one days so the enemy never was sure where we were gonna end up. Every now and then they had to shut everything off because they had detected the submarine in amongst us. And it must really have been something to see all that many ships, all sizes. We had little ships there smaller than a destroyer, and what they call a smaller one? They’d go zigzagging through there, and then everything would stop and they would drop depth charges. Then we would take off again. Now this was in North Africa. Most people don’t know there was a battle of North Africa. Where we landed, I think, must be that Hitler wanted control of the Mediterranean Sea, and our particular landing was in Safi, French Morocco. That’s on the Atlantic side. There was two other companies and us landed in French Morocco, in Safi. The rest of them went through to Algiers and Casablanca, landed all along the coastline. There was that French Foreign Legion, because France was under German rule at that time, so our enemy was the French Foreign Legion, partly for they were there then. Then there was the Italians. And we were really fortunate; the Germans had just had maneuvers in that area and they left about a day or so before we got there. And when we landed…, I don’t know, I couldn’t tell you how we were still on the boats going over, for German subs were still circling the seas. We got off from our troopships by throwing the ropes over the side. And then we climbed down. Some of us had ground swell. I don’t know if most of you ever saw ground swell, if you were in the Navy then you saw it. They would be like forty feet high, and our ship would go up on there, and the destroyer, we loaded onto destroyers. The little thing, the destroyer, would be down here, we were up there, and when the two would get together then Navy sailors would grab a hold of us and pulled us onto the destroyer. And then we would go back up and down. But we didn’t lose a man. There was two destroyers, L Company on one, and then there was K Company on the other. I was with L Company in the 9th Infantry Division. It was the day when we loaded up supplies onto the beach when early in the morning or at night, it was dark, our battleships opened fire. I think we had red or green. Anyway, there was red shells going one way and the green shells were going the other way, and we were underneath the ground in fox-holes because from shore they were firing out at the enemy battleships one way, and they were firing towards the enemy inland fortifications the other way, so we had to go underneath. At Safi we had a big breakwater and big long piers because at the piers, ships loaded and unloaded. And we went out because they must have had, gates or submarine nets or whatever. After that we got our concealed orders. Our mission was to protect the power plant. And it was kind of dark when we got there. And I don’t know how many men I had with me, but that was our mission, so we couldn’t let the enemy destroy the power. When we was scouting out the area around neighboring towns there was a tent, and there must have been eight or ten Arabs in that tent. Well, they didn’t know us and we didn’t know them. All we had on, for identification, was a U. S. flag sewed onto our clothes, so they knew what that was for. I didn’t know whether to shoot ‘em or what to do with them. We just sort of went in there, and they mumbled and we mumbled; we just kept them from doing any harm. Then we got them all outside, but the other guys were all fighting, we could hear their rifles, but we didn’t have to fire a shot. Then there were some fighting further away we could hear them firing there rifles. They was where the French Foreign Legion was. But I later learned what happened; the officers of the French Foreign Legion knew that there was going to be a landing, and they had a big party the night before so most of the soldiers were so drunk they didn’t know what was going on that morning. And then, after we landed, we had to have trenches, and foxholes like I told you. The French had trenches already there too. But then the Arabs used that as their own or for a resting area or whatever you wanna call it. So the next morning before that, the U. commanders said if you hear an airplane it is not ours because we don’t have any, not at that particular time. So the next morning, sure enough, here we heard an airplane. We all dove in our foxholes, and the commanders just laughed, “Yeah, what a mess! ” But then they dropped bombs and there was steel sheds, in which men were hiding in, a ways from where we were and the plane went right over us. I could see the plane just as clear as could be. It was an Italian. It was real low. You could see the…, just the bottom of it just as nice. And they dropped the bombs, and my best buddy was killed. He was further back. He was our first sergeant from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, which is approximately eighteen miles northeast of Waupun. He kind of watched over me before we ever got over there. But then he was killed that day. The shell fragment hit him, and the bombs went off pretty close to us, but close enough that all the shell fragments flew away. But that is what they said, “If you hear an airplane, that is not us. ” So that was our first experience in seeing any action. And after that we stayed there maybe a month because when we started walking, in December, we only had one truck, and the kitchen was loaded in the truck. They had a general of our 47th Infantry, and he said, “Instead of hauling all of your asses, you walk from now until March. You’ll be hardened in and you’ll be ready for action. ” So that is what we did. And we couldn’t walk across Spanish Morocco because they were neutral, so he loaded us in trucks to get us through there. They wouldn’t allow us to walk across Spanish Morocco. And then while we were walking we heard news about the bazooka and how it came out, so they said they needed six sergeants. They picked up from the regiment, and I happened to be one of the lucky ones. So they loaded six of us with a ton of rocket ammunition and a rocket launcher iin a DC-3 Plane. The 1st Army Division (The Big Red One) that had been fighting against Rommel who was a German and a pretty famous general, fought all the way in Africa against the British and he was coming. So they loaded us up and that was the 1st Army Division that was fighting Rommel at the time, and they nearly got wiped out completely because they had the old tanks that had the turret on the side that was stationary, and the Germans just wiped them out completely. And then that’s where we went up there with this bazooka that you had to get in about a one hundred and fifty feet of the tank to knock it out. And all you could do was, you had to be sure to shoot ‘em on this flat side of the tank between the tracks, on the top and the bottom of the track, and get it right in through there for the bazooka rocket would go through there. So we got up there and we had to demonstrate how to use the bazooka. They flew us and we stayed overnight. Landed one night on somewhere in the desert. We were right in the desert. And the next day they landed a little closer, but they never shut the engines off on the plane. We got out and as quick as we could get to the ground the plane was gone. And then there we were with no other transportation, except… I don’t know, right at that time I didn’t know how we did get from there to… I supposed the 1st Army Division had transportation for us. We loaded our rocket ammunition up and when we were flying on the DC-3’s we flew through the mountains and valleys between the mountains because they had fighter planes around then, and it was so crooked that a fighter plane couldn’t fly straight through there, so we flew below the mountain peaks with the DC-3. One time there was such a change in the air pressure that the plane dropped. It dropped faster than the cargo in the plane and there was quite a crash when the ton of ammunition boxes hit the bottom of the plane. And we thought the thing would go right down through. Then that night when we landed the Arabs were there to help you and sell you something. They told us we weren’t that far from a little town where the fighting was. Now, their word for eggs was erfs, and we got to know that. So we followed them and walked to that town in the dark and then back to the planes in the morning, and had some erfs and wine. And the next morning we took off and went up to the front lines. Then after we got done up there, instructing the use of bazookas, we got back to our unit, and the transportation officer said, “You got to get on this train. It’s an old forty and eight. ” It means eight mules and forty men can ride in this little box car. Forty and eight. You see that, I think, when you have the American Transportation Legion doing things, there’s forty and eight signs posted in all around the site and faster travel to different camps. Directors and officers assist us, like the one I was chatting to who told me, “You stay in this car and eventually it will get you back to your unit. ” We didn’t have much food. A few K-rations or whatever, and straw in the bottom of a cantine. I don’t know what we used for a restroom because it was just a railcar, unless they had one corner or something like that. We got out of that town, and I don’t know how many days it took us on the train. And it was cold, too. It was in December, and no heat. This was in the winter of ‘42, from December until March. So first I flew up to the front lines and then back on the rail car, and then I walked over the same territory again to get back to the front lines. But then things got interesting ‘cause Christmas was approaching, and we had been up there and we was coming back by train, and we got in Algiers and I was all by myself, because there was only six of us and when each one of us was in this box car then, of course we were all together, but when I got to Algiers I wondered where I could go, so I wandered around by myself, and I found a Red Cross sign, that directed me to a big, tall, two or three story Red Cross building or whatever. I visited there a lot and met a red cross women and a few of my fellow wounded servicemates. However, on Christmas day, I went there and that was a big, tall, two or three story building, and there was the Red Cross woman and she told me that I could spend the night there, so that’s what I did, slept on the marble floor. That was Christmas, Christmas night. The next day I went back and found the train and then got it and went back. Afterwards we hooked up with the outfit. That was quite an experience before we ever got to fighting. Then, in March, we joined the British Army; then we had British rations to live on. So that’s when my division joined the fighting in North Africa. We were under Bradley, General Bradley. In Alexandria, Egypt. But there was, fighting was just as bad there as any other place. We lost lots of men. That’s where I got the Bronze Star. We lost one whole battalion to the Germans, must have been just like a mountain pass, and then to let them walk into there; and that’s the last they ever saw of that bunch of men. It was Kasserine; it was right in that area. That scuffle took up until Mother’s Day of a ‘43, yeah, we got out of Tunisia, and loaded onto the boats and went to Sicily. Anyways at Tunisia, Bizerte, there were a lot of soldiers that didn’t want to give up, I suppose they were German soldiers, and they just walked out into the ocean there off the beach, and our airplanes were just strafing them back and forth. There was thousands of soldiers at Tunisia, Bizerte, so that was what they did after we had captured Tunisia. They walked right in and it was awful; the slaughter. The Germans didn’t want to give up, but the Italians, they gave up by the thousands. Then we went from there to Palermo, Sicily, and that night at Palermo we got bombed all night long. I don’t know how they missed our boat. There was ships burning. Then they had little, I can’t think of the name of them little ships that laid smoke screens. They tried to keep the fire from showing from up above. We survived that one. Then we landed at the coast, so we got off of the devil and pushed up there, and that was the strategy for fighting in Sicily. Then we had Berlin Betty, she was the propaganda gal from Germany. She knew every move that we made. She’d come over the radio. She’d tell us where we were and where we were going. She’d say, “Don’t think you’re going to win. You’re getting paid in Pounds just to land troops in England. ” You see, she knew we were going to England. After we took Sicily, we were waiting right on the airport in case they were needed in Italy. We were right there and everything was ready in an instant. We could get on a plane and fly into Italy. When everything ended there, we were all sent into England. Then we knew what the next thing was. If you all were wondering, I wasn’t involved in D-Day, I had mumps about a month or so before that so I was in the hospital. So that saved me. Our unit was in D-Day though, and most of them had trouble coping with what had happened that day, for they lost a lot that day. Because we had experience in landings before, for had been in Sicily and other places, we were in the back-up or the reserve forces, so we were not in the initial landing. Then, they took released me out of the hospital and the commanders put our reserve force in tents out in the country. Eventually we reentered the fighting there was lots of reception centers, or whatever you call it, and we would go there and then they would fly us over to France, to St. Lo, which was a town our unit had just taken, and now they had gone up to Cherbourg, France and then they were on the way back to St. Lo. so the plane landed near St. Lo and I got off there. Then I got back to my unit. But that day they were flying the planes, our planes, and they were bombing the Germans. They didn’t have the means we do today, but they’d put markers out so the airplanes would fly in and drop smoke bombs where the markers were placed, which was where the bombers should drop the bombs. Well, that day we had a good strong wind coming inland, and where they landed me the smoke was going over us and went all the way back to our supply regiment. And they were, our own planes, bombing our own men and even getting our headquarters. So I had trouble getting over horrifying that situation. After I hooked up with my unit in St. Lo, I got to be in charge of my platoon. It only had a few soldiers left, so I requested for some new ones. My request was granted, so the new boys went all the way to St. Lo from Normandy, and I led my unit up to Cherbourg and back down to St. And that’s where I met up with our regular 9th Infantry Division, and the 47th, my own company and my own soldiers that were under me. A few of them had been killed up in Cherbourg, but there were some more on the way. That’s where I got under General George S. Patton. There we loaded on tanks, we road on the outside of tanks, and he just said, “With your blood and my guts, we can do anything. ” So we did, we went through France. They said we had more German soldiers behind us than we had in front of us. We just cut a swath right through there. He was a good leader, he was some fighter. They said at one time, probably all of you heard it too, that he stopped the ambulances and said his tanks had to go through. Whether that was true or not, I don’t know. I imagine it was, ‘cause the ambulances were in his way so he told them to get out of his way and let his tanks through. So then in July when we got to the Meuse River. Afterwards we went through France and Belgium, and that was an awful thing to see ‘cause when we’d go through these towns they had an American flag and a German flag, so when the Germans were in town or went through town they’re all waving the German flags, then if the Americans come through they were all out waving the American flags. We had lots of skirmishes there, with bombings or shelling. Then we got from France to Belgium and to the Meuse River separating Belgium from Germany. And we crossed the Meuse River, and that’s when I got hit. Big shells from the Siegfried Line could reach us then, so that’s when the thought of my life ending really hit me, and I thought that it was the end of it for me, but I was tended to as we crossed the river in that boat, and then we landed to some higher ground, and there was some trees. Whether the shells hit the trees or they were trapped with time bombs set to go off or what. We had just did something we were told which was to never bunch up, so there was four or five of us. We got a trench or foxhole dug so we could sit and put our feet down. I think there were four or five of us. Anyway, they were all killed except me. The Germans pounded our position with shells, and my best buddy died there. So after that my whole left side was all full of shrapnel, and there’s still some tiny pieces of shrapnel in there to this day. I consider it a little lucky that the shrapnel didn’t hit any vital organs, as the medics told me. I spotted some more that were injured but they could walk. Then the officer said to me, “Can you remember where we crossed the river? ” I responded yes, and he ordered me to take these two wounded men with me and to see if I can find where I crossed, and if I managed to do so then I’d find a First Aid station and the medics there would get us back to the field hospital. I was pretty good that way about remembering, I could always remember directions and where to go. I don’t remember how we got back to the river and just how we got back across. There must have been a boat there because I remember waking up on a boat, and the two guys I got back with, I had one guy on each arm during the hike back to the river, were older fellas, and when we got back to the First Aid station, or maybe they called it the army hospital, they put me on a stretcher because I had an ankle that was injured and shrapnel in my body. In the field hospital they started operating on taking all the shrapnel out of m body. Then I was on a stretcher, and I heard that I had helped the other guys all the way back to the river where I passed out due to loss of blood, and they put me on a stretcher, and moved me into the boat, and the two took me to the hospital where I stayed there for two or three weeks, I guess. Another interesting thing was when we left the field hospital, we had to go to England. When we got to Fabroche Hospital outside of Paris, France, there was hundreds of ambulances on this airport waiting. They were all in different lines, and we saw that ambulances on one side of us were moving and then we saw them moving on the other side. We didn’t have a driver in ours so we were just sitting there. And after a while somebody opens up the back of the ambulance and says, “ Sprechen sie Deutsch? ”. Here we were inside of this damn ambulance, in which the dumb driver had left us in the row for the Germans. Now we didn’t have any clothing on besides an army blanket around our waists, and we didn’t have any identification of any kind, but somehow we got back to England. I recuperated in England in July. Afterwards, we trained troops which were mainly recruits from the States, and England. Now in December of ‘44, the winter after D-Day, we were still training troops, but this was right at that time the Battle of the Bulge was going on. After we trained the troops in our unit, they were sent to France to help stop the German counter-attack. They fought all the way through to the end of the war. Well, all the way through Germany. It seemed that if the officers needed something done the first chance they have to get it, that’s what our unit we training was meant to do, be the first responders to the officer’s call. Eventually I entered the 1st Division from Texas, they were the number one division, and we were in reserve for them. So they were better than my original 9th Division ‘cause they were number one. The Red Arrow, or The Big Red One. Our symbol or emblem or whatever had an emerald green circle with a red ‘1’ insignia on the circle, and the red ‘1’ was outlined with white. That’s what made us the Big Red One. Oh, I forgot to mention, that’s where all our officers came from to train us when we was in Wisconsin in the States. Yes, the officers that trained us were from the Big Red One in Texas. Anyways after I entered the reserves of the Big Red One, that’s when things must have been winding down or something. The last group, that was something else, for they brought two hundred GI’s that had been locked up in prison for just minor things, but they were all prisoners, yah know. They brought those two hundred in one group and put them, and they stayed in their barracks, for they didn’t stay with us in our barracks, they were in their own. And they had some good old times out there. But they minded pretty good. And we trained them, and they were good soldiers. And when they were all done, the first lieutenant says, “Now you can all take a furlough, ” and give them passes to London. And we thought, “Well, that will be the last we’ll ever see of them. ” I think all but one or two of ‘em actually did go and came back. So from there and then we came back to one reception center after another and then came home. Flew home. We were the last plane to come home because they divided us up into planeloads. From Birmingham, England, then we went to Scotland, and Scotland was where the planes left for the States. And they had Quonset huts in Scotland. And each Quonset had just a planeload of soldiers or any troops that were ready to go home. We flew back. The nurses and officers, if they had a rank over us, could bump us. And then they could go and, of course, everyone gradually got bumped and then got put in a different plane. So eventually there were only thirteen of us left. And we’d been there for a few weeks. However, a few days later we leave on a big four engine plane. We would just jump from Scotland to, Iceland or Greenland because we stopped at each one when we needed fuel. But there was only thirteen on the great big four engine thing. And they said that was the last plane that was flying out from there and no more would go back. However, the war was still going on in Japan when I returned home, but after we dropped the two atomic bombs on the Japs, I knew like the rest of our country, that the war was over. And it was ‘cause I remember going to the theater and watching, Movietone News’ film strip about the atomic bombs that were dropped on Japan, and then they showed Japan surrendering to us on one of our Naval Vessels. Afterwards, in my point of view, our whole country went wild with celebration. All the streamers, the booze, and the cheering of families. As for me, I was just glad that awful Hell of war was over, but yeah I’m still classified as disabled, twenty percent or whatever. I have a few pieces of shrapnel right in the bone of my ankle, but I’m still breathing. I want to thank each and every one of you for listening to my experience, and I hope you all, who took your time off to listen to this, especially all the other Veterans like myself, have a very nice day.
Durrr lol canada invented it. I love this video for how short it was. Okay everybody saying it was Canadian, it was James Naismith who was from Canada who became American and invented the sport in Kansas. He later moved tp the us. but his idea was brought to life in canada. Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story Watch full article on top. Put him on the hall of fame. Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story Watch full article on maxi.
Wow. just looking at Tracy Murray's hairdo. that's taking me back. Thanks for showing us the journey. Don't ever be the before and after guy like most YouTubers. Inspiring video. James Naismith was the first coach of KU basketball. THANK YOU for sharing this AWESOME story! I LOVE his FAITH & LOVE for God. Americans are the worst lol (I am American so I should know) What does it matter if the guy was born in Canada or if he created the game in Massachusetts. I came here to learn about basketball. Awesome things come from all over the world America. I wonder if he ever thought about the fact that some people could actually jump as high as 10 feet with a basketball and slam the ball into the basket. I'm sure that wasn't his first intentions when he first made the sport.
The inventor was in Mayan/Aztec. They had the basket side way and would kick the ball into the Hole. Through evolution of sport the White man change it up.
America is one of the worst country's ever and I live in America.
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